O, 1950-1990 Box 7, Folder 147 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Dorothy M. Horstmann papers, 1927-2001, bulk 1946-1995General Files, 1927-1995
Obituary: James H. S. Gear, 1994-1994 Box 21, Folder 176 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Dorothy M. Horstmann papers, 1927-2001, bulk 1946-1995Writings, 1946 -1994, n.d.
Office of the Dean Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Dorothy M. Horstmann papers, 1927-2001, bulk 1946-1995General Files, 1927-1995Yale UniversitySchool of Medicine
Office of the Dean. Review of Robert Berliner's deanship Box 13a Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Dorothy M. Horstmann papers, 1927-2001, bulk 1946-1995General Files, 1927-1995Yale UniversitySchool of Medicine
Ohio. Poliomyelitis epidemic, 1952-1953 Box 35, Folder 202 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Dorothy M. Horstmann papers, 1927-2001, bulk 1946-1995Research and Consultations, 1940-1990Field studies
"Oral Polio Vaccine" [Southbury Training School, Hartford, New Britain, Willimantic], 1962-1962 Box 17, Folder 58 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Dorothy M. Horstmann papers, 1927-2001, bulk 1946-1995Writings, 1946 -1994, n.d.
Oral Poliovirus Vaccine [St. Raphael's Hospital, Philadelphia, Chicago], 1961-1961 Box 17, Folder 52 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Dorothy M. Horstmann papers, 1927-2001, bulk 1946-1995Writings, 1946 -1994, n.d.
Oral vaccine to newborn infants, 1946-1995 Box 25, Folder 46 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Dorothy M. Horstmann papers, 1927-2001, bulk 1946-1995Research and Consultations, 1940-1990Research notes on infectious diseasesPoliomyelitis studies
Other Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Dorothy M. Horstmann papers, 1927-2001, bulk 1946-1995Research and Consultations, 1940-1990Research notes on infectious diseases
Other Yale University lectures Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Dorothy M. Horstmann papers, 1927-2001, bulk 1946-1995Teaching, 1947-1983