Location map. Reeds' District A of unpub. Yale Dissertation (1 : 62500). U.S. Geological Survey: Topographic., 1910 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History Division of Invertebrate Paleontology Archives, 1861-2014…
Location map. Reeds' District B of unpub. Yale Dissertation (1 : 62500). U.S. Geological Survey: Topographic., 1910 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History Division of Invertebrate Paleontology Archives, 1861-2014…
Location map. Reeds' District D of unpub. Yale Dissertation (1 : 62500). U.S. Geological Survey: Topographic., 1910 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History Division of Invertebrate Paleontology Archives, 1861-2014…
Location map. Reed's District E of unpub. Yale Dissertation (1 : 62500). U.S. Geological Survey: Topographic., 1910 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History Division of Invertebrate Paleontology Archives, 1861-2014…
Manuscript Material. Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History Division of Invertebrate Paleontology Archives, 1861-2014…
Manuscript material. Bambach Thesis Types - Master List (in progress) Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History Division of Invertebrate Paleontology Archives, 1861-2014…
Manuscript material. Copies of papers and abstracts that Huber used in doing his 2003 paper with McDonald and Olsen on Jurassic insects Newark supergroup (reprint # 5380); Mormolucoides, 2003 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History Division of Invertebrate Paleontology Archives, 1861-2014…
Manuscript material. Copy of April, 1990 report, "Shore Protection and Erosion Control Project, Detailed Project Report and Environmental Assessment, Prospect Beach, West Haven, Connecticut"; Holocene, Post-glacial concretions., 2003 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History Division of Invertebrate Paleontology Archives, 1861-2014…
Manuscript material. Duplicate set of photographs for eurypterid paper received from Kjellesvig-Waering on January 12, 1969. Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History Division of Invertebrate Paleontology Archives, 1861-2014…
Manuscript material including an early draft, stratigraphic sections, and correspondence for IPR.15155 "New Silurian cooksonias from dolostones of north-eastern North America" Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History Division of Invertebrate Paleontology Archives, 1861-2014…