Smith, Kumi (Margaret). "The 153 Japanese War Paintings: In Search of a New Identity" Box 14, Folder 147 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Department of History, Yale University, senior prize essays, 1991-2018History senior essay prize winners, 1990-20032002-2003
Smith, Lydia. "Politics, Slavery, and Cherokee Factional Violence, from Removal to War: 1839-1861" McClintock Award for Native American History Box 7, Folder 65 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Department of History, Yale University, senior prize essays, 1991-2018History senior essay prize winners, 1990-20031997-1998
Smith, Rebecca, "Confessions in the Sermons of Three English Manuscripts, circa 1215-1350"; advisor: Paul Freedman Box 1, Folder 10 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Department of History, Yale University, senior prize essays, 1991-2018History senior essay prize winners, 2012-2013European prize winnersAndrew D. White Prize
Smolenski, John. "The Influence of Quaker Theology and Meeting Structure on Pennsylvania Politics, 1682-1764" John Addison Porter Prize Box 4, Folder 36 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Department of History, Yale University, senior prize essays, 1991-2018History senior essay prize winners, 1990-20031994-1995
Smotrich-Barr "Goodwill Ambassador or Ideological Warriors? Cultural Diplomacy and the American-Soviet Exhibit Exchanges in the USSR 1959-1976", 2019 Box 1, Folder 10 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Department of History, Yale University, senior prize essays, 1991-2018History senior essay prize winners, 2019European History PrizesAndrew D. White European History Prize
Soames, Teodoro Assis, "Brazilians in Paris, 1919"; advisor: Adam Tooze Box 1, Folder 12 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Department of History, Yale University, senior prize essays, 1991-2018History senior essay prize winners, 2012-2013Rest of the World prize winnersMax Bildner Prize in Latin America
Sokoloff-Rubin, Emma Rachel, "'Pero Pa Mi Era Otra Cosa': Contested Memories of Pinochet's Chile;" advisor: Gilbert Joseph, 2011-2011 Box 2, Folder 3 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Department of History, Yale University, senior prize essays, 1991-2018History senior essay prize winners, 2011-2011Rest of the World PrizesAndrew D. White Rest of the World Prize
Soskis, Benjamin. "Heroic Exile: The Transatlantic Development of Frederick Douglas, 1845-1847" John Addison Porter Prize Box 7, Folder 66 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Department of History, Yale University, senior prize essays, 1991-2018History senior essay prize winners, 1990-20031997-1998
Sprague, Ian F., "Revisiting Tolpuddle: A Critique of the TUC Narrative;" advisor: Keith Wrightson, 2012-2012 Box 1, Folder 7 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Department of History, Yale University, senior prize essays, 1991-2018History senior essay prize winners, 2012-2012European prize winnersAndrew D. White European Prize
Student essays awarded the Richard Hegel Prize on topics related to New Haven, 2001-2003 Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Accession consists of student essays awarded or honorably mentioned for the Richard Hegel Prize for essays related to New Haven. view more view less Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Department of History, Yale University, senior prize essays, 1991-2018