Old Trails Bridge, Old Route 66 Arch, Colorado River. Topock, Arizona (GFB-68-3926) Reproducible print, 1968 Box 90 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library David Plowden photographs and papers, 1948-2011Photographs, 1948-2011July 1995 AcquisitionReproducible Prints and Study Prints
Old Trails Bridge, Old Route 66, Colorado River. Between Topock, Arizona and California (GFB-68-3990) Reproducible print, 1968 Box 96 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library David Plowden photographs and papers, 1948-2011Photographs, 1948-2011July 1995 AcquisitionReproducible Prints and Study Prints
Oliver Jensen. Johnson City, Texas (LBJ-130) Study print, 1965 Box 98 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library David Plowden photographs and papers, 1948-2011Photographs, 1948-2011July 1995 AcquisitionReproducible Prints and Study Prints
Oliver Jensen. Johnson City, Texas (LBJ-131) Study print, 1965 Box 98 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library David Plowden photographs and papers, 1948-2011Photographs, 1948-2011July 1995 AcquisitionReproducible Prints and Study Prints
Ollie Woodcock, Deck Hand, in Pilot House of Tug Julia C. Moran , New York Harbor. New York, New York (JCM-35-1-11) Reproducible print, 1974 Box 103 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library David Plowden photographs and papers, 1948-2011Photographs, 1948-2011July 1995 AcquisitionReproducible Prints and Study Prints
Ollie Woodcock, Deck Hand, Julia C. Moran , New York Harbor. New York, New York (JCM-35-1-14) Reproducible print, 1974 August Box 103 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library David Plowden photographs and papers, 1948-2011Photographs, 1948-2011July 1995 AcquisitionReproducible Prints and Study Prints
Ollie Woodcock, Deckhand, Tug Boat Julia C. Moran (JCM-1829) Reproducible (plus) print, 1974 Box 103 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library David Plowden photographs and papers, 1948-2011Photographs, 1948-2011July 1995 AcquisitionReproducible Prints and Study Prints
Ollie Woodcock, Deck Hand, Tug Julia C. Moran . New York City Harbor, New York (JCM-1384), 1974 Box 67 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library David Plowden photographs and papers, 1948-2011Photographs, 1948-2011July 1995 AcquisitionExhibition Prints
On Battlefield at Antietam. Sharpsburg, Maryland (1066-994) Reproducible (plus) print, 1966 October Box 105 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library David Plowden photographs and papers, 1948-2011Photographs, 1948-2011July 1995 AcquisitionReproducible Prints and Study Prints
One Day Before the End, New York Central Ferryboat Utica Plies the Weehawken, 42nd Street Run. New York, New York (RR-NY - Marine operations) Study print, 1959 March 23 Box 103 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library David Plowden photographs and papers, 1948-2011Photographs, 1948-2011July 1995 AcquisitionReproducible Prints and Study Prints