1 copy, 1912 August Box 81, Folder 182 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives David Peck Todd papers, 1862-1939Writings (including correspondence with publishers), 1873-1933Articles, published"Spectrum Analysis," Popular Mechanics
1 copy, 1920 October Box 81, Folder 201 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives David Peck Todd papers, 1862-1939Writings (including correspondence with publishers), 1873-1933Articles, published"What if People Do Ridicule You," American Magazine
1 copy; 6 reprints (1 annotated), 1927 May Box 81, Folder 204 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives David Peck Todd papers, 1862-1939Writings (including correspondence with publishers), 1873-1933Articles, published"On the Accurate Adjustment of Stationary Coronographs with Despatch," Popular Astronomy
1 July-19 August 1887, 1887 July 1-1887 August 19 Box 30, Folder 195 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives David Peck Todd papers, 1862-1939Scientific Subjects and Exhibitions, 1878-1939Eclipse of 19 Aug 1887, Shirakawa, JapanCorrespondence:
20 August 1887-10 April 1889, 1887 August 20-1889 April 10 Box 30, Folder 196 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives David Peck Todd papers, 1862-1939Scientific Subjects and Exhibitions, 1878-1939Eclipse of 19 Aug 1887, Shirakawa, JapanCorrespondence:
2 copies Box 79, Folder 109 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives David Peck Todd papers, 1862-1939Writings (including correspondence with publishers), 1873-1933Articles, published"How Man's Messenger Outran the Moon," Century Illustrated Magazine, 1889 August
2 copies, 1889 April Box 79, Folder 105 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives David Peck Todd papers, 1862-1939Writings (including correspondence with publishers), 1873-1933Articles, published"An American Eclipse Expedition in the Orient," Leslie's Popular Monthly, 1889 April
2 copies, 1912 February Box 81, Folder 177 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives David Peck Todd papers, 1862-1939Writings (including correspondence with publishers), 1873-1933Articles, published"Optical Resolution of the Saturnian Ring," American Journal of Science
2 notebooks, 1891-1891 Box 108, Folder 52 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives David Peck Todd papers, 1862-1939Personal and Financial, 1862-1939Diaries and notebooks:
2 reprints, 1932 August-1932 September Box 81, Folder 208 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives David Peck Todd papers, 1862-1939Writings (including correspondence with publishers), 1873-1933Articles, published"On Accurate and Speedy Adjustment of Coronagraphs …," Popular Astronomy