Cornerstone ceremony, June 23, 1903 Box 89, Folder 30 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives David Peck Todd papers, 1862-1939Teaching and Lecturing, 1881-1927Observatory
Corona without eclipse, 1917-1927 Box 17, Folder 53 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives David Peck Todd papers, 1862-1939Scientific Subjects and Exhibitions, 1878-1939
Correspondence Box 26, Folder 164 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives David Peck Todd papers, 1862-1939Scientific Subjects and Exhibitions, 1878-1939Eclipse of 29 July 1878, Dallas, Texas
Correspondence Box 27, Folder 175 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives David Peck Todd papers, 1862-1939Scientific Subjects and Exhibitions, 1878-1939Transit of Venus6 Dec 1882, Lick Observatory:
Correspondence: Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives David Peck Todd papers, 1862-1939Scientific Subjects and Exhibitions, 1878-1939Eclipse of 19 Aug 1887, Shirakawa, Japan
Correspondence Box 33, Folder 219 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives David Peck Todd papers, 1862-1939Scientific Subjects and Exhibitions, 1878-1939Fuji Expedition—Boyden Fund, 1887
Correspondence Box 36, Folder 239 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives David Peck Todd papers, 1862-1939Scientific Subjects and Exhibitions, 1878-1939Eclipse of 22 Dec 1889, Angola; Voyage of Pensacola
Correspondence: Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives David Peck Todd papers, 1862-1939Scientific Subjects and Exhibitions, 1878-1939Eclipse of 9 Aug 1896, Esashi, Japan
Correspondence: Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives David Peck Todd papers, 1862-1939Scientific Subjects and Exhibitions, 1878-1939Eclipse of 21 Aug 1914, Russia
Correspondence Box 59a, Folder 449b Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives David Peck Todd papers, 1862-1939Scientific Subjects and Exhibitions, 1878-1939Eclipse of 29 May 1919, Bahamas, Brazil