Aeroplanes and aeronautics printed matter, clippings, 1894-1929 Box 19, Folder 84 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives David Peck Todd papers, 1862-1939Scientific Subjects and Exhibitions, 1878-1939
Aero Rapid Transit, Inc., (2), 1922 March 23, April 17 Box 1, Folder 3 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives David Peck Todd papers, 1862-1939Correspondence, PRE-1922 (1878-1922)General Correspondence
African Expedition, 1889-1889 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives David Peck Todd papers, 1862-1939Personal and Financial, 1862-1939Biographical:
Agassiz, A., (9), 1886, 1889 Box 1, Folder 5 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives David Peck Todd papers, 1862-1939Correspondence, PRE-1922 (1878-1922)General Correspondence
Album Box 48, Folder 343 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives David Peck Todd papers, 1862-1939Scientific Subjects and Exhibitions, 1878-1939Eclipse of 18 May 1901, Sing KepPhotos:
Album Box 50, Folder 364 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives David Peck Todd papers, 1862-1939Scientific Subjects and Exhibitions, 1878-1939Eclipse of 30 Aug 1905, TripoliPhotos:
Album of expedition at Esashi; instruments, annotated by David P. Todd Box 42, Folder 291 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives David Peck Todd papers, 1862-1939Scientific Subjects and Exhibitions, 1878-1939Eclipse of 9 Aug 1896, Esashi, JapanPhotos:
Algiers, Azores, Japan, Malta, Naples, Philippines, Port Said Box 47, Folder 336 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives David Peck Todd papers, 1862-1939Scientific Subjects and Exhibitions, 1878-1939Eclipse of 18 May 1901, Sing KepPhotos:
"All About the Ruddy Planet" (Mars) part of S&T, 1899-1899 Box 70, Folder 24 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives David Peck Todd papers, 1862-1939Writings (including correspondence with publishers), 1873-1933Books, publishedStars and Telescopes, 1899-1899
Allegheny Observatory; S. P. Langley, (2), 1875-1885 Box 1, Folder 6 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives David Peck Todd papers, 1862-1939Correspondence, PRE-1922 (1878-1922)General Correspondence