Annual Reports (Corporations), 1934 Box 5.2, Folder 34-38 Bookmark Collection Context Western Connecticut State University Archives and Special Collections Danbury (Town of) Records, 1892-1969Series I: Financial RecordsAnnual Reports, 1893-1964/Acc #191-1976
Annual Reports (Corporations), 1935 Box 5.2, Folder 39-42 Bookmark Collection Context Western Connecticut State University Archives and Special Collections Danbury (Town of) Records, 1892-1969Series I: Financial RecordsAnnual Reports, 1893-1964/Acc #191-1976
Annual Report. Selectmen Town of Danbury, Conn., Year Ending Sept. 15, 1909, and Annual Report. Town School Committee, Superintendent of Schools, Year Ending Sept. 15, 1909., 1909 Box 5.1, Folder 17 Bookmark Collection Context Western Connecticut State University Archives and Special Collections Danbury (Town of) Records, 1892-1969Series I: Financial RecordsAnnual Reports, 1893-1964/Acc #191-1976
Annual Report. Selectmen, Year ending Sept. 15, 1907 , and Annual Report Secretary Town School Committee, Year Ending Sept. 15, 1907., 1907 Box 5.1, Folder 15 Bookmark Collection Context Western Connecticut State University Archives and Special Collections Danbury (Town of) Records, 1892-1969Series I: Financial RecordsAnnual Reports, 1893-1964/Acc #191-1976
Annual Report. Selectmen Year ending Sept. 15, 1908, and Annual Report Town School Committee, Year ending Sept. 15, 1908 ., 1908 Box 5.1, Folder 16 Bookmark Collection Context Western Connecticut State University Archives and Special Collections Danbury (Town of) Records, 1892-1969Series I: Financial RecordsAnnual Reports, 1893-1964/Acc #191-1976
Appointment of Conservator, 1905-1910 Box 8, Folder 4 Bookmark Collection Context Western Connecticut State University Archives and Special Collections Danbury (Town of) Records, 1892-1969Series III: Town Clerk/Acc #208-1976Miscellaneous
Appointments & Oath of Office, 1912-1947 Box 8.1, Folder 1-4 Bookmark Collection Context Western Connecticut State University Archives and Special Collections Danbury (Town of) Records, 1892-1969Series III: Town Clerk/Acc #208-1976Voting Records, 1908-1949/Acc #185-1976
A-R Misc., 1931-1960 Box 13, Folder 16 Bookmark Collection Context Western Connecticut State University Archives and Special Collections Danbury (Town of) Records, 1892-1969Series VI: Selectmen, Board of 1914-1960/DG179 & DG 209Selectmen Records, 1920-1955
Assessor's Office, 1933-1959 Box 13, Folder 17 Bookmark Collection Context Western Connecticut State University Archives and Special Collections Danbury (Town of) Records, 1892-1969Series VI: Selectmen, Board of 1914-1960/DG179 & DG 209Selectmen Records, 1920-1955
Assignment of Future Earnings, 1932-1936 Box 8, Folder 5 Bookmark Collection Context Western Connecticut State University Archives and Special Collections Danbury (Town of) Records, 1892-1969Series III: Town Clerk/Acc #208-1976Miscellaneous