These pictures document the second historic meeting of Fidel Castro and Manuel Urrutia Lleó, a judge whose support of the constitutionality of the rebels' assault on Batista's forces got him ousted from the bench and forced into exile in New York City. Fidel Castro had personally nominated Urrutia for the presidency of Cuba as early as 1957. In frames 21-35, one sees Urrutia speaking with Fidel Castro; to the left of both stands Armando Hart, the son of another judge who suffered a fate similar to Urrutia's for having protested the unconstitutionality of Batista's government in support of the rebels years before. In the top row of the print, frames 23-24 show Haydée Santamaría, Armando Hart's fiancé and legendary heroine of the 1953 assault on the Cuartel Moncada. Frame 25 shows the bearded Comandante Faustino Pérez, later Minister of the Ministry of Ill-Gotten Goods (Ministerio de Bienes Malversados), which oversaw the redistribution of millions of dollars of property confiscated from supporters and officials of the Batista regime. See also Prints 18, 19, 27 and 50.