Court-martial of several local peasants, accused of common crimes such as homicide, rape and robbery and in other cases, of being a double agent charged with treason against the Revolution by Fidel Castro and his fellow guerrillas. According to St. George, the trial lasted several days and involved the testimony of over 30 peasants. It took place in an area known as El Naranjo. In these images, Fidel is seen with the five-member revolutionary tribunal that he appointed and in which he occupies the central chair. Members of the tribunal are best identified in row two, frames 13, 14, and 15 (left to right): Humberto Sorí Marín (former president of the Inter-American Bar Association), Fidel Castro and Camilo Cienfuegos (front row); René Ramos Latour ("Daniel") and Celia Sánchez (second row). The accused appears with his back to the camera and his hands tied behind his back in the last frame of the second row and the first two frames of the third row. In the fourth row of frames, Raúl Castro is seen writing in his campaign diary as he sits perched in a tree overlooking the court-martial scene below. The seventh row of frames shows Universo Sánchez, now bearded, in the center of a group of rebels in a metal helmet; he is also seen sitting in the first row, first frame. See also Prints 18, 19, 23, 26, 29, 30, 31, 33, 35, 37 and 41.