This depicts the sort of guerrilla unit that came into existence in 1958, during the second year of civil war, when the rebels gradually expanded their zone of operations: a perimeter unit near Santiago, marking the extent of the Castro forces advance toward the provincial capital. This unit is under Capt. Humberto Diaz Rodriguez, a guerrilla officer from Habana (frames 28-29; also 10-16, note that while Capt. Rodriguez is here shown holding phone, the phone is not really connected). Frames 8 and 9: rebel sentry, whose beard indicates some combat service, but whose shiny shoes, new hat and clean pants indicate the requisitioning of new supplies in the area. In these areas surrounding the major cities of Oriente Province where the rebels managed to set up and defend such outposts, they had extensive contacts with the - almost invariably sympathetic - civilian population. (Frames 2-7) As a result of this commerce with the better-provisioned population of these open plains - now definitely out of the mountain jungles of the Sierra Maestra range - the rebels acquire and roast a small pig: Frames 17-19, also 21-26; also 30-36. Note Frame 27, with Frames 28-29 noted above, shows Capt. Humberto Diaz Rodriguez taking stock of sizable rice stores requisitioned locally.