Field Report on Trip to Micronesia, December 14, 1945 to January 5, 1946 , by John F. Embree, 1946-1946 Box 5, Folder 83 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Council on Southeast Asia Studies, Yale University, records, 1942-1973Records of the Council on Southeast Asian Studies, 1951-1970Publication files
Ford Foundation, 1952-1962 Box 22, Folder 419 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Council on Southeast Asia Studies, Yale University, records, 1942-1973Subject files, 1942-1972Writings and LecturesGrant and Fellowship Brochures
Ford Foundation, 1959-1971 Box 5, Folder 77 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Council on Southeast Asia Studies, Yale University, records, 1942-1973Correspondence, 1949-1973
Ford Foundation (Kuala Lumpur), 1969 Box 5, Folder 78 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Council on Southeast Asia Studies, Yale University, records, 1942-1973Correspondence, 1949-1973
Foreign Area Fellowship Program, 1971-1972 Box 5, Folder 79 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Council on Southeast Asia Studies, Yale University, records, 1942-1973Correspondence, 1949-1973
Foreign Service Institute, 1967-1970 Box 5, Folder 80 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Council on Southeast Asia Studies, Yale University, records, 1942-1973Correspondence, 1949-1973
Fragment of chapter VII and conclusion, typescript with corrections, undated Box 21, Folder 405 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Council on Southeast Asia Studies, Yale University, records, 1942-1973Subject files, 1942-1972Writings and LecturesA Study of Japanese Military Administration in Indonesia:
Frederick L. Wernstedt, "Geographic Foundations of Mindanao", undated Box 18 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Council on Southeast Asia Studies, Yale University, records, 1942-1973Subject files, 1942-1972Writings and LecturesPapers on Islam in Southeast Asia:
Freie Universitat Berlin (Free University of Berlin), 1964 Box 5, Folder 83 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Council on Southeast Asia Studies, Yale University, records, 1942-1973Correspondence, 1949-1973
F. Suffian Hashim, "The Relationship Between Islam and the State of Malaya", undated Box 19 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Council on Southeast Asia Studies, Yale University, records, 1942-1973Subject files, 1942-1972Writings and LecturesPapers on Islam in Southeast Asia: