Metroline June 12 1997, June 12, 1997 Box 1, Folder 39 Bookmark Collection Context Central Connecticut State University Connecticut Lesbian and Gay PRIDE Festival Collection, 1982-2012Series I: Programs and notes, 1990-2009
My Pride My Soul, Connecticut PRIDE Festival, June 7, 2008 Box 1, Folder 33 Bookmark Collection Context Central Connecticut State University Connecticut Lesbian and Gay PRIDE Festival Collection, 1982-2012Series I: Programs and notes, 1990-2009
New Haven Pride Block Party, June 5, 2004 Box 1, Folder 29 Bookmark Collection Context Central Connecticut State University Connecticut Lesbian and Gay PRIDE Festival Collection, 1982-2012Series I: Programs and notes, 1990-2009
Peace Through Pride, September 13, 2003 Box 1, Folder 27 Bookmark Collection Context Central Connecticut State University Connecticut Lesbian and Gay PRIDE Festival Collection, 1982-2012Series I: Programs and notes, 1990-2009
People Respecting Individual Diversity Everyday, October 7, 2000 Box 1, Folder 21 Bookmark Collection Context Central Connecticut State University Connecticut Lesbian and Gay PRIDE Festival Collection, 1982-2012Series I: Programs and notes, 1990-2009
Photographs from 1988 and 1989 festivals, 1988, 1989 Box 2, Folder 4 Bookmark Collection Context Central Connecticut State University Connecticut Lesbian and Gay PRIDE Festival Collection, 1982-2012Series III: Photographs and other graphic materials, 1982 - 2012
Photographs of "Members of Imperial Sovereign Court of All Connecticut" [newspaper clipping], June 18, 2003 Box 2, Object 8 Bookmark Collection Context Central Connecticut State University Connecticut Lesbian and Gay PRIDE Festival Collection, 1982-2012Series III: Photographs and other graphic materials, 1982 - 2012
Photos from Connecticut Pride Parade October 7, 2000, October 7, 2000 Box 2, Folder 5 Bookmark Collection Context Central Connecticut State University Connecticut Lesbian and Gay PRIDE Festival Collection, 1982-2012Series III: Photographs and other graphic materials, 1982 - 2012
Plain purple arm band, June 28, 1981 Box 2, Object 21 Bookmark Collection Context Central Connecticut State University Connecticut Lesbian and Gay PRIDE Festival Collection, 1982-2012Series IV: Realia
PRIDE Button collection (9 buttons mounted on a matte board), 1985-1996 Box 2, Object 3 Bookmark Collection Context Central Connecticut State University Connecticut Lesbian and Gay PRIDE Festival Collection, 1982-2012Series III: Photographs and other graphic materials, 1982 - 2012