Series IV: Realia Bookmark Collection Context Central Connecticut State University Connecticut Lesbian and Gay PRIDE Festival Collection, 1982-2012
Signsations sashes [five black with silver glitter letters', undated Box 2, Object 23a, b, c, d, e Bookmark Collection Context Central Connecticut State University Connecticut Lesbian and Gay PRIDE Festival Collection, 1982-2012Series IV: Realia
Silence = Death [blue with pink triangle], undated Box 4 Bookmark Collection Context Central Connecticut State University Connecticut Lesbian and Gay PRIDE Festival Collection, 1982-2012Series IV: RealiaT Shirts worn on PRIDE day
Stand Out Proud Together, September 18, 2004 Box 1, Folder 28 Bookmark Collection Context Central Connecticut State University Connecticut Lesbian and Gay PRIDE Festival Collection, 1982-2012Series I: Programs and notes, 1990-2009
State PRIDE: The LGBT state Employee Assn, 1996 Box 1, Folder 40 Bookmark Collection Context Central Connecticut State University Connecticut Lesbian and Gay PRIDE Festival Collection, 1982-2012Series I: Programs and notes, 1990-2009
State PRIDE: The LGBT State Employee Assn., 1997-1999 Box 1, Folder 41 Bookmark Collection Context Central Connecticut State University Connecticut Lesbian and Gay PRIDE Festival Collection, 1982-2012Series I: Programs and notes, 1990-2009
Stonewall 20, A Generation of Pride, June 24, 1989 Box 1, Folder 9 Bookmark Collection Context Central Connecticut State University Connecticut Lesbian and Gay PRIDE Festival Collection, 1982-2012Series I: Programs and notes, 1990-2009
Stonewall 20, A generation of Pride, June 24, 1989, 1989 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Central Connecticut State University Connecticut Lesbian and Gay PRIDE Festival Collection, 1982-2012Series IV: RealiaConnecticut PRIDE T Shirts
Stonewall 20 Connecticut PRIDE Guide 1989 [matted cover of program], 1989 Box 2, Object 16 Bookmark Collection Context Central Connecticut State University Connecticut Lesbian and Gay PRIDE Festival Collection, 1982-2012Series III: Photographs and other graphic materials, 1982 - 2012
Stonewall 25 Connecticut PRIDE Day [eleven posters], June 11, 1994 Box 2, Object 6a, 6b & 6c Bookmark Collection Context Central Connecticut State University Connecticut Lesbian and Gay PRIDE Festival Collection, 1982-2012Series III: Photographs and other graphic materials, 1982 - 2012