Dutch Elm Disease, 1974-1993 Box 8, Folder 44 Bookmark Collection Context Connecticut State Library, State Archives Connecticut Forest and Park Association records, 1883-2019…
Dutch Elm disease, circa 1950 Folder 5 Bookmark Collection Context Connecticut State Library, State Archives Connecticut Forest and Park Association records, 1883-2019…
Dutch Elm disease control, circa 1970 Bookmark Collection Context Connecticut State Library, State Archives Connecticut Forest and Park Association records, 1883-2019…
Early photographs, 1965-1975 Box 39, Folder 55 Bookmark Collection Context Connecticut State Library, State Archives Connecticut Forest and Park Association records, 1883-2019…
Earth Day 20, 1990, 1989-1994 Box 9, Folder 1 Bookmark Collection Context Connecticut State Library, State Archives Connecticut Forest and Park Association records, 1883-2019…
Earth Day Project, Cheney Technical; Barnes Nature Center workshop; Case Mountain: water bar, Shenipsit reroute; and Trails Day hike, 1993 April 23-June 5 Folder 1-2 Bookmark Collection Context Connecticut State Library, State Archives Connecticut Forest and Park Association records, 1883-2019…
"Earthways" workshop at Connecticut Forest and Park Association, 1998 Fall Box 36, Folder 10 Bookmark Collection Context Connecticut State Library, State Archives Connecticut Forest and Park Association records, 1883-2019…
Eastern Connecticut resource conservation and development area, 2006 Box 13, Folder 26 Bookmark Collection Context Connecticut State Library, State Archives Connecticut Forest and Park Association records, 1883-2019…
East Rock Park - New Haven, Connecticut, 1964 Box 9, Folder 2 Bookmark Collection Context Connecticut State Library, State Archives Connecticut Forest and Park Association records, 1883-2019…
Economic census, 2002 Box 7, Folder 17 Bookmark Collection Context Connecticut State Library, State Archives Connecticut Forest and Park Association records, 1883-2019…