Deedy Breed Obituary, 2009, 2009 Box 2, Folder 13 Bookmark Collection Context Central Connecticut State University Christine Pattee Lesbiana Collection, ca. 1970-2000…
Degen, K., and Waitkevicz, H.J., "Lesbian Health Issues" (photocopy) from British Journal of Sexual Medicine; May, 1982., 1982 Box 7, Folder 13 Bookmark Collection Context Central Connecticut State University Christine Pattee Lesbiana Collection, ca. 1970-2000…
dell'Olio, Anselma, "Divisiveness and Self-destruction in the Women's Movement", n.d., undated Box 9, Folder 8 Bookmark Collection Context Central Connecticut State University Christine Pattee Lesbiana Collection, ca. 1970-2000…
Diedre McCalla program booklet, 1989, presented by Connecticut Coalition for Lesbian and Gay Civil Rights, 1989 Box 10, Folder 13 Bookmark Collection Context Central Connecticut State University Christine Pattee Lesbiana Collection, ca. 1970-2000…
Dissolution of NEWMR, August 14, 2002, 2002 Box 11, Folder 35 Bookmark Collection Context Central Connecticut State University Christine Pattee Lesbiana Collection, ca. 1970-2000…
Dissolution papers; by laws 2000, 2000 Box 11, Folder 32 Bookmark Collection Context Central Connecticut State University Christine Pattee Lesbiana Collection, ca. 1970-2000…
Donation of treasury to Astraea September 18, 2002; Board minutes Sept. 29, 2001, 2001, 2002 Box 11, Folder 36 Bookmark Collection Context Central Connecticut State University Christine Pattee Lesbiana Collection, ca. 1970-2000…
Donnelly, Mary. "Lesbian Health Care: Issues and Literature (pamphlet); 1978., 1978 Box 7, Folder 6 Bookmark Collection Context Central Connecticut State University Christine Pattee Lesbiana Collection, ca. 1970-2000…
Douglas College Reunion Book, 1978, 1978 Box 2, Folder 10 Bookmark Collection Context Central Connecticut State University Christine Pattee Lesbiana Collection, ca. 1970-2000…
Ehrenreich, Barbara, "Socialist Feminism and Revolution", Speech given at the National Socialist/Feminist Conference, Yellow Springs, Ohio, July 4, 1975., 1975 Box 8, Folder 22 Bookmark Collection Context Central Connecticut State University Christine Pattee Lesbiana Collection, ca. 1970-2000…