Typeset slogans for Women's Liberation Box 14, Folder 4 Bookmark Collection Context Central Connecticut State University Christine Pattee Lesbiana Collection, ca. 1970-2000…
"Unmasking of O" (photocopy) from New Yorker, August 1, 1994, 1994 Box 9, Folder 23 Bookmark Collection Context Central Connecticut State University Christine Pattee Lesbiana Collection, ca. 1970-2000…
Veteran Feminists of America Celbrates the 30th anniversary of teh Women's Liberation Movement and honors Founders and Activitists; (program booklet); December 13, 1997, December 13, 1997 Box 9, Folder 24 Bookmark Collection Context Central Connecticut State University Christine Pattee Lesbiana Collection, ca. 1970-2000…
War Widow television program (information), undated Box 9, Folder 26 Bookmark Collection Context Central Connecticut State University Christine Pattee Lesbiana Collection, ca. 1970-2000…
Webster Bank CD 1996, 1996 Box 11, Folder 19 Bookmark Collection Context Central Connecticut State University Christine Pattee Lesbiana Collection, ca. 1970-2000…
White Binder overview of planning and minutes, 1993-1998, 1993-1998 Box 11, Folder 40 Bookmark Collection Context Central Connecticut State University Christine Pattee Lesbiana Collection, ca. 1970-2000…
White; Connecticut Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual Pride Day June 19, 1993, June 19, 1993 Bookmark Collection Context Central Connecticut State University Christine Pattee Lesbiana Collection, ca. 1970-2000…
White; Hartford Gay and Lesbian Health Collective, Be Well Be Yourself, n.d., undated Bookmark Collection Context Central Connecticut State University Christine Pattee Lesbiana Collection, ca. 1970-2000…
White; Hartford Gay and Lesbian Health Collective, four triangles with letters, n.d., undated Bookmark Collection Context Central Connecticut State University Christine Pattee Lesbiana Collection, ca. 1970-2000…
White; It's Not Just a Phase, "Don't Panic", 1992, 1992 Bookmark Collection Context Central Connecticut State University Christine Pattee Lesbiana Collection, ca. 1970-2000…