Quest79, September, 1979, September, 1979 Box 3, Folder 18 Bookmark Collection Context Central Connecticut State University Christine Pattee Lesbiana Collection, ca. 1970-2000…
Raphael, Sharon M., Ph.D., "What Health Care Professionals Should Know About Older Lesbians;" (Paper presented at American Public Health Meeting, Detroit, MI); October 20, 1980., October 20, 1980 Box 7, Folder 9 Bookmark Collection Context Central Connecticut State University Christine Pattee Lesbiana Collection, ca. 1970-2000…
Red; North East Women's Musical Retreat, 1988, 1988 Bookmark Collection Context Central Connecticut State University Christine Pattee Lesbiana Collection, ca. 1970-2000…
Relevant documents regarding the Sexual Orientation Bill; 1976, 1976 Box 4, Folder 22 Bookmark Collection Context Central Connecticut State University Christine Pattee Lesbiana Collection, ca. 1970-2000…
Relevant letters regarding the Sexual Orientation Bill, 1975, 1975 Box 4, Folder 18 Bookmark Collection Context Central Connecticut State University Christine Pattee Lesbiana Collection, ca. 1970-2000…
Resolutions on Sexual Orientation adopted by various groups, 1975, 1975 Box 4, Folder 4 Bookmark Collection Context Central Connecticut State University Christine Pattee Lesbiana Collection, ca. 1970-2000…
Rhode Island camp, plastic box, 25 color slides, 1982; 1983; 1987; undated Box 13 Bookmark Collection Context Central Connecticut State University Christine Pattee Lesbiana Collection, ca. 1970-2000…
Robinson, Mina K., "Support Systems for Older Lesbians;" (Paper presented at American Public Health Association Meeting, Detroit, MI); October 20, 1980. and Kolosa-Munro, Lyn, "Sexuality in the Aging Woman;" chapter of Health and Social Work, Vol. 2, No. 4, November 1977., October 20, 1980 and November, 1977 Box 7, Folder 8 Bookmark Collection Context Central Connecticut State University Christine Pattee Lesbiana Collection, ca. 1970-2000…
Roosevelt School, Ossining, New York, 1953-1955 Bookmark Collection Context Central Connecticut State University Christine Pattee Lesbiana Collection, ca. 1970-2000…
S.A.G.E. organization brochure, n.d., undated Box 9, Folder 10 Bookmark Collection Context Central Connecticut State University Christine Pattee Lesbiana Collection, ca. 1970-2000…