Membership Brochures (typeset originals), undated Box 11, Folder 23 Bookmark Collection Context Central Connecticut State University Christine Pattee Lesbiana Collection, ca. 1970-2000Series II: Records of the North Eastern Women's Musical Retreat, from Deedy Breed
Membership list and letter, 1993, 1993 Box 11, Folder 16 Bookmark Collection Context Central Connecticut State University Christine Pattee Lesbiana Collection, ca. 1970-2000Series II: Records of the North Eastern Women's Musical Retreat, from Deedy Breed
Members of Human Rights and Opportunities Committee that regularly attend meetings; with note from Senator Betty Hudson., 1975 Box 4, Folder 9 Bookmark Collection Context Central Connecticut State University Christine Pattee Lesbiana Collection, ca. 1970-2000Series I: Christine Pattee Papers
Minutes of Cluster vs. NEWMR (model); correspondence, 1989, 1989 Box 11, Folder 5 Bookmark Collection Context Central Connecticut State University Christine Pattee Lesbiana Collection, ca. 1970-2000Series II: Records of the North Eastern Women's Musical Retreat, from Deedy Breed
Mirabella (magazine), March 2000, March, 2000 Box 9, Folder 27 Bookmark Collection Context Central Connecticut State University Christine Pattee Lesbiana Collection, ca. 1970-2000Series I: Christine Pattee Papers
Miscellaneous handouts relating to: Day Care Cooperatives, New Women's Series at Unitarian Universalist Church in New Haven; Revolutionary Socialist Feminists -- informational sheet on Radical Women, Seattle, Washington), 1974., 1970's Box 9, Folder 13 Bookmark Collection Context Central Connecticut State University Christine Pattee Lesbiana Collection, ca. 1970-2000Series I: Christine Pattee Papers
Ms. (magazine); December, 1977, [1977] Box 3, Folder 12 Bookmark Collection Context Central Connecticut State University Christine Pattee Lesbiana Collection, ca. 1970-2000Series I: Christine Pattee Papers
Ms. (magazine); November, 1976, November, 1976 Box 3, Folder 10 Bookmark Collection Context Central Connecticut State University Christine Pattee Lesbiana Collection, ca. 1970-2000Series I: Christine Pattee Papers
Ms. (magazine), November, 1977., November, 1977 Box 3, Folder 11 Bookmark Collection Context Central Connecticut State University Christine Pattee Lesbiana Collection, ca. 1970-2000Series I: Christine Pattee Papers
Musica Femina, 1985 informational sheet on spring tour of duet Janna MacAuslan and Kristan Aspen, 1985 Box 10, Folder 12 Bookmark Collection Context Central Connecticut State University Christine Pattee Lesbiana Collection, ca. 1970-2000Series I: Christine Pattee Papers