Insurance Retreat 1999, 1999 Box 11, Folder 30 Bookmark Collection Context Central Connecticut State University Christine Pattee Lesbiana Collection, ca. 1970-2000Series II: Records of the North Eastern Women's Musical Retreat, from Deedy Breed
Johnson, Susan R., M.D., and Guenther, Susan M. Guenther, M.A., "Factors Influencing Lesbian Gynecologic Care: A Preliminary Study; Reprinted from American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Vol. 140, No. 1, p. 20-28, May 1, 1981, 1981 Box 7, Folder 12 Bookmark Collection Context Central Connecticut State University Christine Pattee Lesbiana Collection, ca. 1970-2000Series I: Christine Pattee Papers
Joreen, "Bitch Manifesto", (photocopy), n.d., undated Box 9, Folder 9 Bookmark Collection Context Central Connecticut State University Christine Pattee Lesbiana Collection, ca. 1970-2000Series I: Christine Pattee Papers
Kalliope: A Journal of Women's Art; 1982, 1982 Box 3, Folder 20 Bookmark Collection Context Central Connecticut State University Christine Pattee Lesbiana Collection, ca. 1970-2000Series I: Christine Pattee Papers
Klein, Paula, "Health Needs Assessment in a Lesbian Community," (pamphlet), Emma Goldman Clinic for Women, Iowa City, Iowa, September 10, 1980. also Klein, Paul and Vilmain, Suzanne, "Self-health for lesbian women;" (brochure); Emma Goldman Clinic for Women, Iowa City, Iowa, 1978, 1978 and 1980 Box 7, Folder 10 Bookmark Collection Context Central Connecticut State University Christine Pattee Lesbiana Collection, ca. 1970-2000Series I: Christine Pattee Papers
LABRYS brochure on musical group comprised of Elena Jordan and Patricia Lyons, n.d., undated Box 10, Folder 14 Bookmark Collection Context Central Connecticut State University Christine Pattee Lesbiana Collection, ca. 1970-2000Series I: Christine Pattee Papers
Lang, Joel, "Strange Tragedy on Pasture Lane," photocopy of article, 1982, 1982 Box 9, Folder 14 Bookmark Collection Context Central Connecticut State University Christine Pattee Lesbiana Collection, ca. 1970-2000Series I: Christine Pattee Papers
Legislative letters on the Sexual Orientation Bill, 1975, 1975 Box 4, Folder 8 Bookmark Collection Context Central Connecticut State University Christine Pattee Lesbiana Collection, ca. 1970-2000Series I: Christine Pattee Papers
Lesbiana Want List; Bibliography from University of Michigan (1986), 1974-1986 Box 1, Folder 2 Bookmark Collection Context Central Connecticut State University Christine Pattee Lesbiana Collection, ca. 1970-2000Series I: Christine Pattee Papers
Lesbian Couples information package on group therapy, with bibliography., undated Box 7, Folder 11 Bookmark Collection Context Central Connecticut State University Christine Pattee Lesbiana Collection, ca. 1970-2000Series I: Christine Pattee Papers