Letterbook 41, 1907 January 4-1907 September 20 Box 23, Reel 23U Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Charles Nagel papers, 1877-1940Letterbooks and Scrapbooks (HM Film 94)
Letterbook 41?, 1913 March 28-1914 February 4 Box 23, Reel 23U Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Charles Nagel papers, 1877-1940Letterbooks and Scrapbooks (HM Film 94)
Letterbook 4, 1883 January 25-1883 July 16 Box 2, Reel 2U Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Charles Nagel papers, 1877-1940Letterbooks and Scrapbooks (HM Film 94)
Letterbook 42, 1914 February 5-1915 February 22 Box 24, Reel 24U Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Charles Nagel papers, 1877-1940Letterbooks and Scrapbooks (HM Film 94)
Letterbook 45, 1916 May 9-1917 February 26 Box 26, Reel 26U Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Charles Nagel papers, 1877-1940Letterbooks and Scrapbooks (HM Film 94)
Letterbook 46, 1917 February 27-1918 February 12 Box 27, Reel 27U Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Charles Nagel papers, 1877-1940Letterbooks and Scrapbooks (HM Film 94)
Letterbook 47, 1918 February 13-1919 May 5 Box 28, Reel 28U Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Charles Nagel papers, 1877-1940Letterbooks and Scrapbooks (HM Film 94)
Letterbook 48, 1919 May 7-1920 February 16 Box 29, Reel 29U Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Charles Nagel papers, 1877-1940Letterbooks and Scrapbooks (HM Film 94)
Letterbook 49, 1920 February 16-1920 December 4 Box 30, Reel 30U Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Charles Nagel papers, 1877-1940Letterbooks and Scrapbooks (HM Film 94)
Letterbook 50, 1920 December 4-1921 August 11 Box 31, Reel 31U Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Charles Nagel papers, 1877-1940Letterbooks and Scrapbooks (HM Film 94)