Correspondence. Charles A. Ross - 1960 - Two letters (typewritten) between C.A. Ross and J. Cuvillier, discussing Ross' wishes to meet and view fusulinid collections housed at the Laboratoire de Micropaleontologie at the University of Paris; Cuvillier replies the French holiday occurs August-September, a period where the lab will be vacant. Cuvillier doubts a useful trip to Paris is possible, though a meeting with a few individuals at the Petroleum Institute of France (l'Institut Francais du Petrole) could be. Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History Charles A. and June R. P. Ross Archives, 1953-2002…
Correspondence. Charles A. Ross - 1960 - Two letters (typewritten) sent to Professor R. Ciry (University of Dijon, France) by C.A. Ross indicating Ross' interest in meeting at Ciry's geology lab to examine the fusulinid collections housed there; both letters, sent different dates, are nearly the same except for Ross' uncertainty, detailed in the second letter, hoping his first letter reached Ciry April 4. Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History Charles A. and June R. P. Ross Archives, 1953-2002…
Correspondence. Charles A. Ross - 1960 - Two typewritten letters of correspondence between C.A. Ross and J. Roger of France; after Ross inquires to visit Roger's laboratory [sent to the "director"], Roger replies, giving thanks for Ross' previous letter, agreeing to meet during his visit to Paris and suggesting he contact Professor Ciry at the University of Dijon to discuss fusulinid collections housed there; he directs Ross towards collections housed at the Laboratoire de Geologie de la Sorbonne and at l'Ecole Nationale Superieure des Mines de Paris and states that Mr. Pierre Marie can show Ross around the micropaleolontological activities conducted by the Bureau Recherches Geologieque et Miniere; a card sent later (without a date) to Ross by J. Roger, and an undated, handwritten note to "the director" likely predating Ross' initial letter to Roger; one handwritten letter from C.A. Ross to Yolanda LeCalvey (working at the same Bureau as Roger), thanking her for hospitality during their visit to Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History Charles A. and June R. P. Ross Archives, 1953-2002…
Correspondence. Charles A. Ross - 1961-1965 - Letters sent to and from C.A. Ross to faculty in China (J. Sheng), S. Vietnam (Vien and Saurin) and Japan (Kanmera) regarding sent and received reprints to/from C.A. Ross and related parties. One letter (to Kanmera) was written to C.A. Ross August 2, 1961, one written by J.C. Sheng on February 15, 1965 and three written by C.A. Ross on April 6, 1965 to Sheng, Saurin and Vien. Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History Charles A. and June R. P. Ross Archives, 1953-2002…
Correspondence. Charles A. Ross - 1961 - A letter from Edward Wilson inquiring whether Ross encountered Waagenophyllum texanum Heritch (1936, p.144; a rugose coral) and whether or not he has specimens in his collection. Wilson notes only one transverse slice through a corallite was used to definitively describe the species; he wants to make the species description more robust and/or revamp it. Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History Charles A. and June R. P. Ross Archives, 1953-2002…
Correspondence. Charles A. Ross - 1962-1968 - Correspondence between C.A. Ross and a number of parties ("origination" listed in order after C.A. Ross from earliest to latest) discussing requests for reprints of papers referencing Penn/Perm strata or fusulinids, and giving praise towards Ross' quality of publications. Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History Charles A. and June R. P. Ross Archives, 1953-2002…
Correspondence. Charles A. Ross - 1962 - Carl Dunbar sent a letter to G.A. Cooper asking about Cooper's fusulines; a copy of this letter was sent to C.A. Ross a month later by Dunbar who thought Ross might be interested in his letter to Cooper about Cooper's fusulines. Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History Charles A. and June R. P. Ross Archives, 1953-2002…
Correspondence. Charles A. Ross - 1962 - Correspondence between C.A. Ross and W. Ziegler; Ziegler bears ill news of Wedekind, Staff and Schellwien's collections, which were ultimately regarded as "lost" after the Soviet Union occupied the former German province of Eastern Prussia and, along with it, the University of Konigsberg, where the collections were suspected to have been housed at the time of correspondence--the Soviets renamed the university Kaliningrad; Ross returns his thanks for the valuable information on these collections, and is relieved to hear of Ziegler's safe return to Germany. Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History Charles A. and June R. P. Ross Archives, 1953-2002…
Correspondence. Charles A. Ross - 1962 - Five letters exchanged between C.A. Ross and G.A. Cooper regarding fusulinid identifications made by C.A. Ross for specimens collected from many of G.A. Cooper's USNM Glass Mountains localities. The earliest letter of the chain, from C.A. Ross, includes a request for locality data for five of Cooper's USNM localities as well as inquiry on current status of Cooper's Glass Mountains brachiopod paper; one duplicate (typewritten) list of G.A. Cooper USNM collection localities with miscellaneous Penn/Perm collections from various wells (USA) and other localities (global); Letter drafts by C.A. Ross and 2 lists (one handwritten, one photocopied) of specimen identifications for G.A. Cooper's USNM collection localities. Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History Charles A. and June R. P. Ross Archives, 1953-2002…
Correspondence. Charles A. Ross - 1962 - One letter from Carl Dunbar to Charles Ross sending updates on G.A. Cooper's brachiopod paper, detailing a request by Cooper through Dunbar (by proxy) to Ross to return thin sections associated with a large fusulinid collection loaned to Dunbar by Cooper years prior. Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History Charles A. and June R. P. Ross Archives, 1953-2002…