Well Log & Core Description/Interpretation. Charles A. Ross - 1961 - Issued to Forest Oil Co. by Permian Basin Sample Laboratory - Log Type: Gamma Ray and Neutron Porosity - Logged Interval: 0-9865' - Completion Date: 8 Jun 1961 - Completed by: Forest Oil Co. & Lone Star Production Co. [JV]. - Field: Wildcat - Well Name: Jo Anne Moore #1 - Well Location: Section 7, Block 1, GC&SF Survey, Pecos County, Texas - TD: 9865' - KB: 4418' - DF: 4416' - GL: 4406 - Elev: 4416'; accompanying mudlogging report from Geolog, Inc. Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History Charles A. and June R. P. Ross Archives, 1953-2002…
Well Log & Core Description/Interpretation. Charles A. Ross - 1977-1990 - Reproduced by Electrical Log Services, Midland, Texas - API: 42-371-31748 - Gamma Ray and Resistivity - Logged interval: 4840'-13476' - Completed By: Texas Pacific Oil Co. - Field: Elsinore Multipay - Well Name: Montgomery Fulk #9 - Location: Section 9, Block 170, Pecos County, Texas - TD: 13478' - KB: 4258' - DF: 4257' - GL: 4241'; two copies of core description: one on well log, the other a typewritten copy. Core description has accompanying interpretation on well log copy (facies, structures, formational members, etc.). Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History Charles A. and June R. P. Ross Archives, 1953-2002…
Well Log & Core Description/Interpretation. Charles A. Ross - 1980-1990 - Completion by Sun Oil [Texas Pacific Oil Company] on May 18, 1980 - Logged by C.A. Ross in March 1990 - Field: Wildcat - Well Name: Madre Grande #1 - Location: Sec. 59, Block 331 [NE Brewster County, very close to Pecos County; see Associations Tab] - Township: T.C. Roberts Original Grant - KB: 5166' - DF: 5164' - GL: 5134' - TD: 20100' Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History Charles A. and June R. P. Ross Archives, 1953-2002…
Zafar Shaikh Bryozoa. Correspondence about a series of slides given to June Ross from the thesis of Zafar Shaikh (IPR.09689). Also includes xeroxes of pertinent sections of the thesis, and a hand-colored geological map., 1970-1976 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History Charles A. and June R. P. Ross Archives, 1953-2002…