Core Description/Interpretation. Charles A. Ross - 1956 - Issued to Forest Oil Co. by Permian Basin Sample Laboratory - Surface - 17000' - Completion Date: 6 Dec 1956 - Completed by: Hunt Oil Co. - Lease: Elsinore Royalty Co. - Well Name: Elsinore Royalty Co. #51 - Well Location: Section 65, Block D, GC&SF Survey, Pecos County, Texas - TD: 17000' ; no KB, Elev, DF or GL data provided. Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History Charles A. and June R. P. Ross Archives, 1953-2002Locality InformationPetrophysical Data.
Core Description/Interpretation. Charles A. Ross - 1986 - Core descriptions for two cored intervals (7980-8306 ft and 8395-8496 ft) for well HSA 1392-P - Field: Wagon Wheel - Well Name: HSA 1392-P - Location: Sec. 4, Block O, G. & M.M.B. & A. Survey, Ward County, Texas Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History Charles A. and June R. P. Ross Archives, 1953-2002Locality InformationPetrophysical Data.
Core Description/Interpretation. Charles A. Ross - No Date Given - Interpretation by C.A. Ross (Biostrat CXAB01) - Analyzed Interval: 5450-5550' [partial] - Completions: N/A - Lease: N/A - Well Name: Mullin #2 - Well Location: Section 149, Block 8-5, D&PRR Survey, Motley County, Texas - TD: N/A Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History Charles A. and June R. P. Ross Archives, 1953-2002Locality InformationPetrophysical Data.
Core Description/Interpretation. Charles A. Ross - No Date Given - Issued to Forest Oil Co. by Permian Basin Sample Laboratory - Sampled Interval: 50-13980' - Completed by: Fred Turner Jr [Oil/Prod Co.]. - Lease: G.C. Combs - Well Name: G.C. Combs #1 - Well Location: Section 37, Block 21, GC&SF Survey, Brewster County, Texas - TD: 13980' Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History Charles A. and June R. P. Ross Archives, 1953-2002Locality InformationPetrophysical Data.
Correspondence. Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History Charles A. and June R. P. Ross Archives, 1953-2002Miscellaneous
Correspondence and Research material. Charles A. Ross - 1961-1963 - Letters between C.A. Ross and various parties (1-7, exempting parties 8-9) pertaining to the continued investigation, status of fusulinid types and collections from Spitsbergen, Templefjord and Mt. Lykta, Norway; notes and specimen IDs by C.A. Ross on specimen photography taken from fusulinid collections from W.W. Hay (Collections 1-5, float from Spitsbergen and one collection from Mt. Lykta) and W.M. Furnish (Collections 1-4 from Spitsbergen). Attached to C.A. Ross' specimen IDs for the specimen photography is 3 pages of notes (by C.A. Ross) pertaining to three publications researched by Ross during his investigation of Spitsbergen; one stapled set of 10 3x5 index cards pertaining to specimen localities from Holtedahl; mounted prints of Text Figure 1 and plates 10-12 from Ross' 1965 publication on the Cyathophyllum Limestone, Spitsbergen, Svalbard, Norway. Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History Charles A. and June R. P. Ross Archives, 1953-2002MiscellaneousCorrespondence.
Correspondence and Research material. Charles A. Ross - 1962-1991 - Two Texas highway maps, one from 1962 (Scale ~1:1,900,000) and the other from 1987-1991 (Scale ~1:1,457,000). Not annotated with localities. Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History Charles A. and June R. P. Ross Archives, 1953-2002MiscellaneousCorrespondence.
Correspondence and Research material. Charles A. Ross - 1981-1984 - Internal correspondence, research material, progress reports, handdrawn and digital/analog copies of cross sections, chronostratigraphic charts, biozonation of Miss/Penn/Perm strata and Ord/Sil/Dev strata, locality maps with accompanying locality data, structure isopachs and reference lists relating to the Roberts Mountain Project, incepted by Gulf Oil Exploration and Production Company in 1981, and pursued through 1984. Correspondence includes 5 typed copies (3 complete, 2 partial) of Gulf Internal Correspondence (Oct. 11, 1982) sent by C.A. Ross to Roberts Mountain Field Project Participants, reporting the Sonoma GSA Penrose Conference; 1 typed letter from C.A. Ross to G. Steele (Gulf Internal Correspondence) discussing and showing (via sketch) tectonic and stratal relationships between Penn/Perm/Tri strata around Roberts Mountain; 1 typed letter, accompanied by four handdrawn sketches by C.A. Ross (sent to G. Steele) discussing tectonic and field Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History Charles A. and June R. P. Ross Archives, 1953-2002MiscellaneousCorrespondence.
Correspondence and Research material. Charles A. Ross - 1982 - Internal correspondence containing a brief (2-page) discussion over fusulinid and foraminiferal picks for sections measured in and around the Congar Basin, Western Utah; this letter, to G. Steele, includes one copy of a handdrawn stratigraphic column of the Congar Basin Section (Mormon Gap quad., sec. 2 and 3, T25S, R19W, Millard County, Utah; Laurie A. Hietpas) with specimen IDs at stratigraphic heights and cycle (genetic?) picks at specific stratigraphic heights; this section covers primarily the Ely Group through Arcturus Grp (partial). Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History Charles A. and June R. P. Ross Archives, 1953-2002MiscellaneousCorrespondence.
Correspondence and Research material. Charles A. Ross - 1984 - Photocopy of orrespondence between Jim Ellis and participants of the Roberts Mountains Project (Gulf Oil Exploration and Production Co.), addressing "fellow Nevada veterans" of the favorable status of the "Low-Sun-Angle" collection of toposheets and aerials housed at Gulf--Ellis invites participants to stop by Gulf to use its state-of-the-art zoom-stereoscope with calibrated photo holder and attached light table. Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History Charles A. and June R. P. Ross Archives, 1953-2002MiscellaneousCorrespondence.