Geologic Map. Nure Aerial Gamma Ray and Magnetic Reconnaissance Survey Geologic Base Map - Big Bend, Texas-Ft. Stockton NH13-6 Quadrangle, Prepared for the Department of Energy. Scale: 1:250000. Not annotated with localities., 1978 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History Charles A. and June R. P. Ross Archives, 1953-2002Locality InformationMaps.
Geologic Map. Nure Aerial Gamma Ray and Magnetic Reconnaissance Survey Geologic Base Map - Big Bend, Texas-Marfa NH13-5 Quadrangle, Prepared for the Department of Energy. Scale: 1:250000. Not annotated with localities., 1978 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History Charles A. and June R. P. Ross Archives, 1953-2002Locality InformationMaps.
Geologic Maps. Charles A. Ross - 1980-1985 - One index map of Nevada annotated with numbered zones corresponding with a geologic investigation, commissioned by Chevron Corp., conducted on Penn/Perm strata between ~1980-1985. This index is accompanied by 24 topographic maps [including one duplicate of Roberts Creek Mtn. quadrangle], some of which are cut, taped, marked and, in some cases, partially made into geologic maps., 1980-1985 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History Charles A. and June R. P. Ross Archives, 1953-2002Locality InformationMaps.
Geologic Map. USGS Geologic Map of Nevada. Scale ~1:1,500,000. Not annotated with localities; this map is partial, and is comprised of two of an unknown number of parts--map and key. Scale and date of publication are missing. Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History Charles A. and June R. P. Ross Archives, 1953-2002Locality InformationMaps.
Gravity Map. 1991 - Lisle Exploration Company Gravity and Aeromagnetic Surveys of Nevada. Scale ~1:1,500,000. Not annotated with localities. Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History Charles A. and June R. P. Ross Archives, 1953-2002Locality InformationMaps.
Index to Topographic Maps of Texas. Index map for topographic maps in the Texas, USA. C.A. Ross wrote a contact number for obtaining maps from this index (in pencil). Not annotated with localities., 1979 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History Charles A. and June R. P. Ross Archives, 1953-2002Locality InformationMaps.
Indiana Tourguide Map published by Gulf Oil Co., localities of cores from Northern Indiana Public Service Co. circled on map Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History Charles A. and June R. P. Ross Archives, 1953-2002Locality InformationLocality Information: USA.
Information about Photographs & Negatives. Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History Charles A. and June R. P. Ross Archives, 1953-2002Photographs & Negatives
June and Charles Ross locality notes. Field Book #1, July 1962 - MI, MN, WI. Original field notes, xerox of field notes, typed transcript of notes. Also includes typed copies of Rifle Hill and Cummingsville sections from 1956 GSA Guidebook., 1962 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History Charles A. and June R. P. Ross Archives, 1953-2002Locality InformationField Notebooks.
June Ross - 3.5' floppy disk containing four sets of field notes - 1961 (Nov), 1962/1963, 1963, and 1964. These files were produced in ClarisWorks 4.0. They were retrieved from the diskette on July 12, 2017, but there are some formatting issues. The notes were saved as pdfs. Paper copies are stored with the diskette; pdfs are attached here as Multimedia records., 1961-1964 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History Charles A. and June R. P. Ross Archives, 1953-2002Locality InformationField Notebooks.