Geologic Map. 1980 - USGS and Nevada Bureau of Mines Co-Op - Geologic Map of Lincoln County, Nevada. Scale ~1:250,000. Not annotated with localities; published by Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology as "Geology and Mineral Deposits of Lincoln County, Plate 2." Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History Charles A. and June R. P. Ross Archives, 1953-2002Locality InformationMaps.
Geologic Map and Cross Sections. 1964 - USGS Geologic Map and Sections of the Frenchie Creek Quadrangle, Nevada. Scale 1:62500. Not annotated with localities; published in USGS Bulletin 1173 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History Charles A. and June R. P. Ross Archives, 1953-2002Locality InformationMaps.
Geologic Map and Cross Sections. 1971 - USGS Geologic Map of the Swales Mountain Quadrangle and Part of the Adobe Summit Quadrangle, Elko County, Nevada. Scale 1:24000. Not annotated with localities. Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History Charles A. and June R. P. Ross Archives, 1953-2002Locality InformationMaps.
Geologic Map. Bureau of Economic Geology (UT Austin) - 2x1 degree Geologic Atlas of Texas, Fort Stockton Sheet, Charles Laurence Bake Memorial Edition. Accompanying the map is a detailed legend packet. Scale: 1:250000. Not annotated with localities., 1982 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History Charles A. and June R. P. Ross Archives, 1953-2002Locality InformationMaps.
Geologic Map. Bureau of Economic Geology (UT Austin) - Geologic Map of the Glass Mountains, Brewster and Pecos counties, Texas. Scale: 1:63360. Photocopy of original (which may have been mounted on canvas [see straight, white, gridded blank zones]. Not annotated with localities., 1925-1927 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History Charles A. and June R. P. Ross Archives, 1953-2002Locality InformationMaps.
Geologic Map. Composite topographic map (composed of USGS 7.5' topographic quadrangles) spanning Dugout Mountain, Beckwith Hills and Marathon, Texas. Scale 1:24000. Photocopy of original map. Not annotated with localities. Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History Charles A. and June R. P. Ross Archives, 1953-2002Locality InformationMaps.
Geologic Map & Cross Section. Publication Material (Text Fig. 15) from C.A. Ross' Standard Wolfcampian Series (published 1963). Scale: 1:63360. Probably related to a larger, photocopied version containing a similar 2' Lat/Long grid [see Associations tab]. Not annotated with Localities., 1959-1961 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History Charles A. and June R. P. Ross Archives, 1953-2002Locality InformationMaps.
Geologic Map. Geologic Map of the Northern Part of the Snake Mountains, Elko County, Nevada. Scale: 1:63360. Photocopy of original (which may have been modified by C.A. Ross). Not annotated with localities; this geologic map is Plate 3 of some (as of yet unidentified) publication, using a topographic base at scale 1:250,000. Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History Charles A. and June R. P. Ross Archives, 1953-2002Locality InformationMaps.
Geologic Map. Marathon and Glass Mountains area, Texas. Scale: 1:63360. Photocopy of original map, with a 2-minute Lat/Long grid. Not annotated with localities. Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History Charles A. and June R. P. Ross Archives, 1953-2002Locality InformationMaps.
Geologic Map. Marathon and Glass Mountains area, Texas. Scale Unknown. Photocopy of original map, annotated with outlines of specific geologic formations and [presumed] locales of interest for geologic investigation. Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History Charles A. and June R. P. Ross Archives, 1953-2002Locality InformationMaps.