Waterman, Edward, at Paris, France, 1949 October 19- Box 499, Folder 8925 Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Roll Number V hh. view more view less Collection Context Yale University -Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library Carl Van Vechten Papers, 1866-1986Photographs, 1905-1964, bulk 1932-1964Photographic Postcards, 1932-1964Portraits
Waterman, Edward, his poodle, En Cas or Christopher, 1941 September 11- Box 381, Folder 5684 Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Roll Number IX v. view more view less Collection Context Yale University -Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library Carl Van Vechten Papers, 1866-1986Photographs, 1905-1964, bulk 1932-1964Selected Photographic Prints, 1845-1967, bulk 1932-1964Portraits
Waterman, Edward, his poodle, En Cas or Christopher, 1941 September 11- Box 446, Folder 7216 Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Roll Number IX v. view more view less Collection Context Yale University -Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library Carl Van Vechten Papers, 1866-1986Photographs, 1905-1964, bulk 1932-1964Unselected Photographic Prints, 1932-1964Photographic PrintsPortraits
Waterman, Edward, his poodle, En Cas or Christopher, at the home of Edward Watermann, Sands Point, New York, 1937 July 6- Box 446, Folder 7217 Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Roll Number XL k. view more view less Collection Context Yale University -Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library Carl Van Vechten Papers, 1866-1986Photographs, 1905-1964, bulk 1932-1964Unselected Photographic Prints, 1932-1964Photographic PrintsPortraits
Waterman, Edward - Page 44, 1932 April 11- Box 509 Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Roll Number XXV. view more view less Collection Context Yale University -Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library Carl Van Vechten Papers, 1866-1986Photographs, 1905-1964, bulk 1932-1964Photograph Albums, 1932-1933Photograph Albums of PortraitsPhotograph Album
Watermann, Edward, 1935- Box 687 (Oversize), Folder 15304 Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Print by Mario von Bucovich, New York City. view more view less Collection Context Yale University -Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library Carl Van Vechten Papers, 1866-1986Photographs, 1905-1964, bulk 1932-1964Collected Photographs, 1845-1967OthersSuper Oversize
Waters, Ethel, 1933 June 22- Box 452, Folder 7429 Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Roll Number IV d. view more view less Collection Context Yale University -Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library Carl Van Vechten Papers, 1866-1986Photographs, 1905-1964, bulk 1932-1964Unselected Photographic Prints, 1932-1964Photographic Prints in MatsPortraits
Waters, Ethel, 1933 June 22- Box 686, Folder 15289 Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Roll Number IV d. view more view less Collection Context Yale University -Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library Carl Van Vechten Papers, 1866-1986Photographs, 1905-1964, bulk 1932-1964Contact Prints, 1932-1964Contact Prints from Negatives on 35-millimeter Film in Mats
Waters, Ethel, 1934 April 30- Box 388, Folder 5923 Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Roll Number XVI f. view more view less Collection Context Yale University -Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library Carl Van Vechten Papers, 1866-1986Photographs, 1905-1964, bulk 1932-1964Selected Photographic Prints, 1845-1967, bulk 1932-1964Prints for Library Exhibitions
Waters, Ethel, 1943- Box 678, Folder 15101 Bookmark Abstract Or Scope May relate to the film, "Cabin in the Sky." view more view less Collection Context Yale University -Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library Carl Van Vechten Papers, 1866-1986Photographs, 1905-1964, bulk 1932-1964Collected Photographs, 1845-1967Others