Topographic map. Weeping Water, NE 30.0 Quad. (1 : 125000). U.S. Geological Survey: Topographic., 1903 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History Carl Owen Dunbar Archives, 1914-1979MapsNebraska.
Topographic map. West Eaton, NY 7.5 Quad. (1 : 25000). U.S. Geological Surrvey.: Topographic., 1949 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History Carl Owen Dunbar Archives, 1914-1979MapsNew York.
Topographic map. West Frankfort, IL 15.0 Quad. (1 : 62500). U.S. Geological Survey: Topographic., 1909 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History Carl Owen Dunbar Archives, 1914-1979MapsIllinois. Maps of Illinois, a few show bordering states.
Topographic map. Winchester, IL 15.0 Quad. (1 : 62500). U.S. Geological Survey: Topographic., 1926 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History Carl Owen Dunbar Archives, 1914-1979MapsIllinois. Maps of Illinois, a few show bordering states.
Topographic map. Wolf Camp Hills, TX 7.5 Quad. (1 : 24000). U.S. Geological Survey: Topographic. Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History Carl Owen Dunbar Archives, 1914-1979MapsTexas.