A. Dissertation: files of the work progress: 3) Revised MS Introduction & Chap.1 Only (P.1- P.86) Box 1, Folder 8 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library Cai Yongchun Papers, 1924-2018…
A. Dissertation: files of the work progress: 4) 制订程颐研究纲目(经过) 秀英贴条(Xiuying's Note):"美国博士论文在战前一律要求印刷成书分发给美国(国)内各大图书馆。爷爷博士论文'程颐……思想'因系紧接在二次大战后纸张奇缺,废印制成书要求,只要求打字成书若干分发国内各大图书馆收藏,如哥伦比亚大学、哈佛大学、Princeton和华盛顿国会图书馆等,算是国内少数图书馆都有。我们家只有一、两本,存北京多多处。'" 大纲与步骤;轶事(4页);摘要伊川文集(30页);Forke二程日朝学者(16页);List of Texts (10 pages);原料考证(44页);方法(10页);近思录(36页) Box 2, Folder 1 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library Cai Yongchun Papers, 1924-2018…
A. Dissertation: files of the work progress: 5)程颐哲学 -- 伊川遗书考订选辑译注 P.1-P.4 (hand writing) An Abstract; Front Page; Dedication; iii-xi Contents; xii-xvi sign, Abbreviations and Explanatory Notes; P.1 Introduction - P.313; Appendices A-D (24 pages); Continued P.1 – P. 59; Bibliography (12 pages) Box 2, Folder 2-4 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library Cai Yongchun Papers, 1924-2018…
A.1.1.3 "The Philosophy of Ch'eng I - A Selection of Texts from the Complete Works Edited and Translated with Introduction and Notes ", 1950 Box 1, Folder 4-6 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library Cai Yongchun Papers, 1924-2018…
A.1.1.4 "Notes on the Minchia People: I. Size of the Minchia Population; II. Area of their Habitat; III. Possible Ethnological Origin of the People; IV. Some Peculiar Characteristics of their Culture; V. Relation with Han; VI. Present Economic Life", 1941-1942 Box 2, Folder 5 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library Cai Yongchun Papers, 1924-2018…
A.1.1.5 "The Call from the Border Tribes", 1941 Box 2, Folder 5 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library Cai Yongchun Papers, 1924-2018…
A1.1.6 "Time and Eternity", 1950 Box 2, Folder 5 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library Cai Yongchun Papers, 1924-2018…
A.1.2.1."Correspondence with Xu Baoqian"《与徐宝谦通讯》,载《真理与生命》1933年1月七卷四期 (*复印件), 1933 Box 2, Folder 6 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library Cai Yongchun Papers, 1924-2018…
A.1.2.2 "Ways forward for Christianity in the new China"《新中国基督教的前进道路》,载《 新观察》第一卷第八期1950年/天风1950年10月28日(?)(*复印件), 1950 Box 2, Folder 6 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library Cai Yongchun Papers, 1924-2018…
A.1.2.3 "On some photographs of Comrade Xin Xinhai"《关于冼星海同志的几张相片》,载《人民音乐》,1985年第七期(封二3张照片,第33页文章黄秀英整理)(*人民音乐原件1本,*复印件1份), 1985 Box 2, Folder 6 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library Cai Yongchun Papers, 1924-2018…