The series is arranged alphabetically by topic. There is particularly substantive correspondence from historians commenting on a draft of Woodward's presidential address to the American Historical Association in 1969. The commentors include Charles Barker, Peter Gay, John Higham, Richard Hofstadter, George Pierson, David Potter, and Boyd Shafer. There is also substantive correspondence between Woodward and Stanley Elkins and Eric McKitrick, regarding their dissertations, and monographs each worked on individually. Woodward recorded notes of a meeting and conversation he and several others had with Alger Hiss in 1959. Documentation of Woodward's involvement with the NAACP in school desegregation cases includes correspondence, mostly incoming, and "The Background of the Abandonment of Reconstruction," an essay written by Woodward for the NAACP. The International Council on the Future of the University, with which Woodward was affiliated from its inception, contains mostly incoming correspondence and collected materials, but there are scattered writings and correspondence by him.