League for Industrial Democracy, 1964-1970 Box 32, Folder 377 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives C. Vann Woodward papers, 1804-2004, bulk 1804-2000Correspondence, 1927-2000
Lectures I -VIII [The South as an Approach to the American Legend; From Slavery to Caste: Origins of American Racism; From Liberalism to Conformity: Southern Response to Abolitionism; From Propaganda to Armed Conflict: Psychology of Civil War Crisis; From 'Conquered Province' to 'Home Rule': Strategy of Reconstruction; Compromise and Diplomacy of Reunion; Politics and Rituals of Reconciliation; From Commonwealth to Colony: Subordination of the South], 1804-2000 Box 64, Folder 34 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives C. Vann Woodward papers, 1804-2004, bulk 1804-2000Writings, 1935-1998Short Writings
Lectures [promotional materials], 1804-2000 Box 74, Folder 133 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives C. Vann Woodward papers, 1804-2004, bulk 1804-2000Writings, 1935-1998Unpublished Writings1990s
Leonard, Marilyn, 1971-1976 Box 87, Folder 28 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives C. Vann Woodward papers, 1804-2004, bulk 1804-2000Yale University, 1944-1994Graduate students
Leopold, Richard, 1952-1986 Box 32, Folder 378 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives C. Vann Woodward papers, 1804-2004, bulk 1804-2000Correspondence, 1927-2000
Lerner, Gerda, 1967-1967 Box 32, Folder 379 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives C. Vann Woodward papers, 1804-2004, bulk 1804-2000Correspondence, 1927-2000
Lesher, Stephen, George Wallace American Populist [re: by Lesher his use of Dan Carter's book proposal, and Woodward's review of the book], 1804-2000 Box 77, Folder 33 - 34 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives C. Vann Woodward papers, 1804-2004, bulk 1804-2000Subjects, 1947-1997
Letters of recommendation, 1985-1999 Box 62, Folder 758 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives C. Vann Woodward papers, 1804-2004, bulk 1804-2000Correspondence, 1927-2000
Leuchtenburg, William E., 1959-1982 Box 32, Folder 380 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives C. Vann Woodward papers, 1804-2004, bulk 1804-2000Correspondence, 1927-2000
Levy, Eugene, 1963-1973 Box 32, Folder 381 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives C. Vann Woodward papers, 1804-2004, bulk 1804-2000Correspondence, 1927-2000