1867 calendar on the back. "Builders of Engines in the U.S. Steam Sloops of War 'Mohican', 'Kearsarge', 'Piscataqua', 'Minnesota', and 'Manitou'; and the U. S. Gunboats 'Cayuga', 'Pequot' and 'Nipsic…"
Six cards advertising Williams' Root Beer Extract and Williams' Root Beer, "The Great Family Drink." Three cards printed by The Kellogg & Bulkeley Co., Hartford
Three cards advertising Williams' Blood Purifier. "If you do not feel absolutely well and strong, you should take Williams' Blood Purifier immediately…. "
Three cards advertising Williams' New England Cough Remedy. "It is very pleasant to take, contains no opium in any form and is perfectly harmless, and at the same time very effectual in 'breaking up' Colds and Coughs."
"Foreign and Domestic Fruit, Wood and Willow Ware, Bird Cages of All Descriptions and Styles, Pickles, Preserves, Olive Oil, Sardines, English and French Mustards, Castile Soap, Choice Havana and Principe Cigars."
Two cards. "A Select Stock of Embroideries, Laces, Zephyr Worsteds, Hosiery, Cambric and Muslin Corsets, Edgings and Insertions, Scarfs, Collars, Sleeves, Sets, &c."
Advertisement on back of carte-de-visite photograph of a woman: "We also present free of charge with each and every Dollar's worth of goods bought of us, an elegant Chromo, Engraving or Lithorgraph, which retails from 50 Cents to $1.50."