Three cards with two designs featuring children: "Send us 12 Lavine Front Labels or 30 cents in cash or postage stamps and get one of our beautiful Panel Pictures…."
"Climax Mowing Machine Oil, for Mowers, Threshers, Reapers, &c., Little Giant Lubricator for Lawn Mowers, Fine Engine Oils, Light and Dark Axle Oils, Harness Oil."
"Delicious and Fragrant Tassa Cures Sore Throats in 3 or 4 Hours, Prevents Dipththeria, and all Throat Troubles such as Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Loss of Voice, Tickling of Throat, Sudden Colds, &C. &c. and for the relief of Consumption."
"Ladies' and Gents' Garments of Every Description, Dyed and Cleansed." Annie Elty, Winsted, Ct., General Agent. 3 copies of card, one with manuscript notes.
Form letter to newspaper seeking to place advertisement for "Secret Service of the Post-Office Department" by P.H. Woodward in exchange for a copy of the book
"New Home Sewing Machine Co. Orange, Mass. 30 Union Sq. New York." Two cards with different designs each featuring a woman on a path in front of a house."