"Climax Mowing Machine Oil, for Mowers, Threshers, Reapers, &c., Little Giant Lubricator for Lawn Mowers, Fine Engine Oils, Light and Dark Axle Oils, Harness Oil."
"Books and Stationery, Toys and Fancy Good, Cigars, Tobacco, Confectionery, Circulating Library, Employment Office…. Collars, Cuffs and Gents Furnishing Goods, and other articles too numerous to mention."
"Delicious and Fragrant Tassa Cures Sore Throats in 3 or 4 Hours, Prevents Dipththeria, and all Throat Troubles such as Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Loss of Voice, Tickling of Throat, Sudden Colds, &C. &c. and for the relief of Consumption."
"Pure No. 1 Pervian Guano; Coe's Super Phosphate of Lime; Pure Bone Dust; Land Plaster; Genuine Lodi Poudrette; Castor Pummace; Ag'l Lime; Fish Guano."
Advertisement on back of carte-de-visite photograph of a woman: "We also present free of charge with each and every Dollar's worth of goods bought of us, an elegant Chromo, Engraving or Lithorgraph, which retails from 50 Cents to $1.50."