Search Results
United Jewish Appeal, 1981 Box MSS 52-2, Folder MSS 52-2-34
Nationalism in the 20th Century by Anthony D. Smith, 1981-06 Box MSS 52-2, Folder MSS 52-2-29
La America: The Sephardic by Marc D. Angel, 1983-11 Box MSS 52-1, Folder MSS 52-1-29
The Rise of Urbanization and the Decline of Citizenship by Murray Bookchin, 1985 Box MSS 52-1, Folder MSS 52-1-6
Prostitution and Prejudice by Edward J. Bristow, 1985-02 Box MSS 52-1, Folder MSS 52-1-30
A Certain People by Charles Silberman, 1985-09-18 Box MSS 52-1, Folder MSS 52-1-7
Diaspora by Howard Morley Sachar, 1986-01 Box MSS 52-1, Folder MSS 52-1-32
Hitler's Apocalypse: Jews and the Nazi Legacy by Robert Wistrich, 1986-03-02 Box MSS 52-1, Folder MSS 52-1-8
Shores of Refuge by Ronald Sanders, 1987 Box MSS 52-2, Folder MSS 52-2-35
Bitburg and Beyond: Encounters in American, German and Jewish History by Ilya Levkov, 1987-02-08 Box MSS 52-1, Folder MSS 52-1-9
AIDS and Plague: False Comparison, 1987-05-31 Box MSS 52-2, Folder MSS 52-2-9
Mixed Blessings: Marriages between Jews and Christians by Paul Cowan, 1987-10-25 Box MSS 52-1, Folder MSS 52-1-10
Me Generation, 1988 Box MSS 52-2, Folder MSS 52-2-10
Shahak, 1989 Box MSS 52-2, Folder MSS 52-2-36
Creating the Palestinian State by Jerome M. Segal, 1989 Box MSS 52-2, Folder MSS 52-2-37
Satanic Verses by Salman Rushdie, 1989-02-19 Box MSS 52-1, Folder MSS 52-1-11
Apprentice in Budapest by Raphael Patai, Like all the Nations? by Magnes and Freud by Peter Gay, 1989-03-07 Box MSS 52-2, Folder MSS 52-2-33
In The Lion's Den, 1990-04-29 Box MSS 52-1, Folder MSS 52-1-13
The Failure of Community Colleges, 1990-11-03 Box MSS 52-1, Folder MSS 52-1-12
South Central Community College(SCCC), 1991-08-27 Box MSS 52-1, Folder MSS 52-1-14
Crown Heights Inflamed by Leaders, 1991-09-09 Box MSS 52-2, Folder MSS 52-2-6
From the Secret Files of J. Edgar Hoover by Athan Theoharis, 1991-12 Box MSS 52-1, Folder MSS 52-1-4
Duplication boosts costs of state college system, 1992-01-26 Box MSS 52-2, Folder MSS 52-2-8
Part-time Professors, 1992-06-02 Box MSS 52-1, Folder MSS 52-1-15
End the Cold War Police State, Vol. 59, No. 6, 1993-06 Box MSS 52-1, Folder MSS 52-1-5
Law agencies subvert American values, 1995-02-08 Box MSS 52-2, Folder MSS 52-2-7
FBI has proven unworthy for spy missions, 1995-05-19 Box MSS 52-1, Folder MSS 52-1-16
Certainty of Justice by Frank Weed, Vol. 25 No. 6, 1996-11 Box MSS 52-1, Folder MSS 52-1-3
Resume, 2010 Box MSS 52-1, Folder MSS 52-1-1
Brotherhood of Memory by Michael Weisser, August/September 1986 Box MSS 52-1, Folder MSS 52-1-33
Caring, Chanukah 1984 Box MSS 52-2, Folder MSS 52-2-20
No Pity For The Survivors, Fall 1982 Box MSS 52-1, Folder MSS 52-1-42
The Political "Right", Fall 1984 Box MSS 52-1, Folder MSS 52-1-48
State, Religion and the Schools, Fall 1985 Box MSS 52-1, Folder MSS 52-1-51
Jewish Holidays and the Left, Fall 1985 Box MSS 52-2, Folder MSS 52-2-21
American Jews, Fall 1986 Box MSS 52-1, Folder MSS 52-1-52
Armand Hammer's Self Portrait, Fall 1987 Box MSS 52-1, Folder MSS 52-1-54
Jew or Juif by Micheal Brown, Fall 1987 Box MSS 52-2, Folder MSS 52-2-30
The Strange Nation of Rafael Mendes by Moacyr Scliar, Fall 1988 Box MSS 52-1, Folder MSS 52-1-21
J. D. Salinger--Elusive by Design, Fall 1988 Box MSS 52-1, Folder MSS 52-1-57
Former Radicals Look Back, Fall 1989 Box MSS 52-1, Folder MSS 52-1-59
In Silence: Growing up Hearing in a Deaf World by Ruth Sidransky, Fall/Winter 1991 Box MSS 52-1, Folder MSS 52-1-25
Arab and Jew by David K. Shipler, January/February 1987 Box MSS 52-2, Folder MSS 52-2-2
Belle Moskowitz by Elisabeth Israels Perry, January/February 1988 Box MSS 52-2, Folder MSS 52-2-4
Justice for the Pollards, January/February 1989 Box MSS 52-2, Folder MSS 52-2-15
Justice for the Pollards-Research Notes, January/February 1989 Box MSS 52-2, Folder MSS 52-2-16
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