Painted, Old Brass Lantern, E. Buk Shop Window, Spring Street, 1995-1995 Box 9, Folder 2 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Bruce Cratsley papers, 1975-1998, bulk 1980-1995Additional Material, 1980-1995Photographs10x10 ( and smaller) prints
Painting and Sculpture ["Painting and Sculpture, Shepherd Gallery, 1989," published as "Painting and Sculpture, Shepherd Gallery, New York City, 1990," p. 103], 1990-1990 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Bruce Cratsley papers, 1975-1998, bulk 1980-1995Inventory, 1975-199810x10 prints
Pall Bearer at Tomb of Palippepot ["Pallbearer at Tomb of Palippepot, Seneschel of Burgundy, French 15th C., Louvre, Paris"], 1995-1995 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Bruce Cratsley papers, 1975-1998, bulk 1980-1995Inventory, 1975-199815x15 prints
Pall Bearers Carrying Sarcophagus ["Pallbearers Carrying Sarcophagus of Palippepot Seneschel of Burgundy, French 13th c., Louvre, Paris"], 1995-1995 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Bruce Cratsley papers, 1975-1998, bulk 1980-1995Inventory, 1975-199810x10 prints
Parade, 1980-1989 Box 2, Folder 1 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Bruce Cratsley papers, 1975-1998, bulk 1980-1995Additional Material, 1980-1995Photographs10x10 ( and smaller) prints
Parade Protest, 1990-1990 Box 5, Folder 1 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Bruce Cratsley papers, 1975-1998, bulk 1980-1995Additional Material, 1980-1995Photographs10x10 ( and smaller) prints
Parc Monceau Paris, Antiquated Sculpture, 1995-1995 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Bruce Cratsley papers, 1975-1998, bulk 1980-1995Inventory, 1975-199810x10 prints
Paris Street in Early November Afternoon Light, 1995-1995 Box 9, Folder 2 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Bruce Cratsley papers, 1975-1998, bulk 1980-1995Additional Material, 1980-1995Photographs10x10 ( and smaller) prints
Passage into Richelieu Pavilion [published as "Passage into Richlieu Wing, Louvre, Paris," p. 30], 1995-1995 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Bruce Cratsley papers, 1975-1998, bulk 1980-1995Inventory, 1975-199810x10 prints
Peter Hujar, Cooper Square, 1985-1985 Box 2, Folder 5 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Bruce Cratsley papers, 1975-1998, bulk 1980-1995Additional Material, 1980-1995Photographs10x10 ( and smaller) prints