The Congressional Campaign Files series contains materials relating to Bruce Morrison's successful election bids for the Connecticut 3rd District seat in the US House of Representatives in 1982, 1984, 1986, and 1988. The series can be broken into two parts. The first includes materials relating to specific campaigns. These folders note the election year in their series label, for example "Congressional Campaign Files: 1986." In these folders, one can expect to find press releases, solicitation letters, polling data, TV and radio advertising, and also research on Morrison's opponents in the congressional races: Lawrence Denardis, Ernie Diette, and Gerrard B. Patton. Several of these folder titles carry the words "Lieberman's Denardis Files." These materials were, conceivably, procured in 1981 or 1982 from Joseph Lieberman, a Connecticut politician who ran an unsuccessful campaign against Denardis for Connecticut's third district seat in the House of Representatives in 1980.