The series contains copies of speeches, public statements and political/historical writings by Chief Mangosuthu Gatsha Buthelezi, president of the Inkatha Freedom Party (formerly Inkatha Yenkululeko Yesizwe, National Cultural Liberation) and chief minister of KwaZulu (1976-1994). The materials are arranged chronologically under two headings: Buthelezi, and Other documents on the Inkatha Freedom Party. Subjects covered in the materials include alliance among black political movements, debates over "peaceful" and "armed" struggle, socioeconomic well-being and access of black South Africans to education, etc. The speeches were delivered at different forums, including weekly church congregations, political rallies, round-table discussions, press conferences, and official government and party meetings. Public statements were released mainly through Inkatha's own Information Centre on South Africa and reflect Inkatha's official positions on a variety of South African issues during the struggle against the apartheid regime. Most of the materials were "EMBARGOED UNTIL DELIVERY" [in capital letters].