"The Work of the Second Hague Conference," by James Brown Scott, 1908 January Box 13, Folder 362 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Brewer family papers, 1714-1954, bulk 1820-1930David Josiah Brewer (1837-1910), 1714-1951Subject File:International Law:
The Work of the Supreme Court (written for the Kansas Lawyer ), 1898 January Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Brewer family papers, 1714-1954, bulk 1820-1930APPENDIX IWritings of D.J.B. which appear in Scrapbook II and do not appear elsewhere in his papers:Articles:
The World, 1907 June 2 Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Brewer family papers, 1714-1954, bulk 1820-1930APPENDIX IWritings of D.J.B. which appear in Scrapbook III and do not appear elsewhere in his papers:Articles:Liberty and stability: Spirit of Individual Liberty Growing, Says Brewer; in the New York World, 1909 OctoberAdditional interviews quoting Brewer at length:
The World's Best Orations , letters of praise to the publisher, 1899-1900 Box 10, Folder 259 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Brewer family papers, 1714-1954, bulk 1820-1930David Josiah Brewer (1837-1910), 1714-1951Special Files:Biographical Material and Memorabilia:
The Youth's Companion (1), 1904 June 25 Box 2, Folder 95 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Brewer family papers, 1714-1954, bulk 1820-1930David Josiah Brewer (1837-1910), 1714-1951Correspondence:
T. L. Norval, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Nebraska to R. J. Greene (1), 1900 April 4 Box 2, Folder 104 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Brewer family papers, 1714-1954, bulk 1820-1930David Josiah Brewer (1837-1910), 1714-1951Correspondence:Correspondence of Others
Toast: "The Gladsome Light of Jurisprudence" at the banquet of the Arkansas and Texas Bar Assns., 1906-1906 Box 4, Folder 175 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Brewer family papers, 1714-1954, bulk 1820-1930David Josiah Brewer (1837-1910), 1714-1951Writings, Notes, and MemorandaAddresses and Articles
To: Jetter, Rev. & Hildner, Rev. F., includes reply from Frederick Hildner (1), undated Box 15, Folder 88 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Brewer family papers, 1714-1954, bulk 1820-1930Brewer Family, 1806-1954Josiah Brewer (1796-1872):Correspondence:
To the Editor of the News (Yale) regarding the future of Old South Middle, undated Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Brewer family papers, 1714-1954, bulk 1820-1930APPENDIX IWritings of D.J.B. which appear in Scrapbook III and do not appear elsewhere in his papers:Letters, published:
To the president and the professors of Yale, letter of recommendation for Samuel Davis Page by C.I. Williams, D.D. (1), 1855 July 14 Box 16, Folder 134 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Brewer family papers, 1714-1954, bulk 1820-1930Brewer Family, 1806-1954Josiah Brewer (1796-1872):Correspondence of Others: