Francis, D. R., president of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition (1), 1904 April Box 1, Folder 34 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Brewer family papers, 1714-1954, bulk 1820-1930David Josiah Brewer (1837-1910), 1714-1951Correspondence:
Franklin Pierce Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Brewer family papers, 1714-1954, bulk 1820-1930APPENDIX IWritings of David Josiah Brewer which appear in Scrapbook I:Letters to the Editor of the Middlesex Republican , n.d.:
Fraternity pins, lapel buttons, 50th reunion charm of 1906 Box 8, Folder 231 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Brewer family papers, 1714-1954, bulk 1820-1930David Josiah Brewer (1837-1910), 1714-1951Special Files:Biographical Material and Memorabilia:Yale University, Class of 1856:
F. R. Coudert to Perry Allen (copy) (1), 1896 July 31 Box 2, Folder 120 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Brewer family papers, 1714-1954, bulk 1820-1930David Josiah Brewer (1837-1910), 1714-1951Correspondence:Correspondence about Venezuelan Boundary Dispute:
From the West Radiate the World's Controlling Forces, 1903 December 13 Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Brewer family papers, 1714-1954, bulk 1820-1930APPENDIX IWritings of D.J.B. which appear in Scrapbook III and do not appear elsewhere in his papers:Articles:
Funk & Wagnalls Company (2), 1905-1905 Box 1, Folder 35 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Brewer family papers, 1714-1954, bulk 1820-1930David Josiah Brewer (1837-1910), 1714-1951Correspondence:
"Future of Arbitration Among the Nations," by Baron d'Estrournelles de Constant, undated Box 13, Folder 364 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Brewer family papers, 1714-1954, bulk 1820-1930David Josiah Brewer (1837-1910), 1714-1951Subject File:International Law:
Gallaudet, Rev. Thomas H. (1), 1841 June 11 Box 15, Folder 74 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Brewer family papers, 1714-1954, bulk 1820-1930Brewer Family, 1806-1954Josiah Brewer (1796-1872):Correspondence:
General Reporting Company re: Sydney Moulthrop (1), 1909-1909 Box 1, Folder 36 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Brewer family papers, 1714-1954, bulk 1820-1930David Josiah Brewer (1837-1910), 1714-1951Correspondence:
Gen. Wager Swayne, correspondence about article in North American Review on Wabash RR (16), 1888-1888 Box 2, Folder 101 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Brewer family papers, 1714-1954, bulk 1820-1930David Josiah Brewer (1837-1910), 1714-1951Correspondence:Correspondence of Others