Unidentified artist Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library Betsy Beinecke Shirley collection of American children's literature, 1640-2001…
Unidentified artist: album, "Pictures from Life," created for Caroline Frothingham Neal; collages with narrative inscribed in ink (in Series II), 1865 Box 40, Folder 608 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library Betsy Beinecke Shirley collection of American children's literature, 1640-2001…
Unidentified artist: assemblage, with valentine and paper inscribed "Nancy Hawk"; watercolor and collage on paper, framed (in Series II), 1838, undated Box Art, Folder 689 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library Betsy Beinecke Shirley collection of American children's literature, 1640-2001…
Unidentified artist: drawing ["Amsterdam St. Nicholas"], signed "HGH"; watercolor and ink on illustration board (in Series I), undated Box 40, Folder 606 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library Betsy Beinecke Shirley collection of American children's literature, 1640-2001…
Unidentified artist, drawing for cover of Little Stories for Little Folks ; hand-colored proof, circa 1890 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library Betsy Beinecke Shirley collection of American children's literature, 1640-2001…
Unidentified artist, drawing for cover of The Story of the Three Bears ; hand-colored proof, circa 1892 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library Betsy Beinecke Shirley collection of American children's literature, 1640-2001…
Unidentified artist: drawing of two children playing with blocks, signed "W"; ink on bristol board (in Series I), undated Box 40, Folder 607 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library Betsy Beinecke Shirley collection of American children's literature, 1640-2001…
Unidentified artist notes, undated Box 93, Folder 1682 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library Betsy Beinecke Shirley collection of American children's literature, 1640-2001…
Unidentified artist, proof prints from pirated edition of The Young Ragamuffins, circa 1860 Box 10, Folder 240 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library Betsy Beinecke Shirley collection of American children's literature, 1640-2001…
Unidentified artist, proof prints from pirated editions of Dean's Home Pantomime Toy Books, circa 1880 Box 10, Folder 233-239 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library Betsy Beinecke Shirley collection of American children's literature, 1640-2001…