ALS, Lewis Cass to Col. Aspinwall regarding food stuff, quantity, 1838 September 11 Box 8, Folder 618 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Bernhard Knollenberg collection, 1560-1943…
ALS, Lewis Cass to E.T. Throop; possibility of war, 1840 April 22 Box 8, Folder 629 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Bernhard Knollenberg collection, 1560-1943…
ALS, Lewis Cass to Jacob Burnet; recommendation of young man for appointment, 1831 January 2 Box 7, Folder 586 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Bernhard Knollenberg collection, 1560-1943…
ALS, Lewis Cass to O.S. Day; regarding Col. Pease(?), 1852 April 10 Box 9, Folder 786 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Bernhard Knollenberg collection, 1560-1943…
ALS, Lewis Cass to R. Rantoul; money raising for political matters, 1850 July 1 Box 9, Folder 756 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Bernhard Knollenberg collection, 1560-1943…
ALS, Lewis Cass to Virgil Maxcy, 1837 December 28 Box 7, Folder 615 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Bernhard Knollenberg collection, 1560-1943…
ALS, L.G. Bullfinch to Rev. B. Whitman; Unitarian Church, undated Box 13, Folder 1189 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Bernhard Knollenberg collection, 1560-1943…
ALS, Lieut. Governor N. Bee (South Carolina) to [?]; difficult finding men to man the war gallies; exchange of prisoners discussed with names mentioned, 1779 March 31 Box 3, Folder 214 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Bernhard Knollenberg collection, 1560-1943…
ALS, Lindley Murry to Alice (?), Photostat, 1805 February 6 Box 6, Folder 488 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Bernhard Knollenberg collection, 1560-1943…
ALS, Linton Stebbins to Sallie E. Thomas; sending photograph, 1869 April 26 Box 12, Folder 1065 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Bernhard Knollenberg collection, 1560-1943…