ALS, Israel Putnam to (2), explains all is in readiness to leave via ship from Peekskill as soon as sufficient vessels arrive. Photostat copy of original, 1777 June 30 Box 3, Folder 144 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Bernhard Knollenberg collection, 1560-1943Correspondence (Chronological), 1560-1943
ALS, Israel Putnam to Horatio Gates, situation unchanged along the North River. Putnam has about 2,500 continental and militial troops but mostly militia. Photostat of original, 1777 October 13 Box 3, Folder 164 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Bernhard Knollenberg collection, 1560-1943Correspondence (Chronological), 1560-1943
ALS, Israel Putnam to John Hancock, problems of delaying the British if they land on Long Island or New Jersey. Photostat copy, 1777 September 16 Box 3, Folder 158 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Bernhard Knollenberg collection, 1560-1943Correspondence (Chronological), 1560-1943
ALS, Jacob Thompson (Sec. of Interior) to [?]; regarding who he supports politically, 1847 June 22 Box 8, Folder 706 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Bernhard Knollenberg collection, 1560-1943Correspondence (Chronological), 1560-1943
ALS, Jacob Wendell (Oliver Wendell Holmes' grandfather) to Capt. Michael Butler; requesting that Butler pay the bills due to Jacob Wendall, Jr, 1754 January 31 Box 1, Folder 24 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Bernhard Knollenberg collection, 1560-1943Correspondence (Chronological), 1560-1943
ALS, J. A Froude to Parker; acknowledgement of cheque, 1855 April 5 Box 9, Folder 812 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Bernhard Knollenberg collection, 1560-1943Correspondence (Chronological), 1560-1943
ALS, James B. Angell to Cliabin; college affairs, University of Michigan, 1882 June 15 Box 12, Folder 1098 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Bernhard Knollenberg collection, 1560-1943Correspondence (Chronological), 1560-1943
ALS, James B. Angell to Mr. Newman; knowledge of James S. Haver, 1878 April 9 Box 12, Folder 1089 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Bernhard Knollenberg collection, 1560-1943Correspondence (Chronological), 1560-1943
ALS, James B. Hugh to B.A. Grant(?); happy over success, 1874 June 28 Box 12, Folder 1080 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Bernhard Knollenberg collection, 1560-1943Correspondence (Chronological), 1560-1943
ALS, James Dana to Reverend Doctor Lathrop; introducing Mr. Atwater who wants to study for the ministry; regrets the death of President Stiles, 1795 June 4 Box 6, Folder 433 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Bernhard Knollenberg collection, 1560-1943Correspondence (Chronological), 1560-1943