ALS, G.[underline]P.[underline] to John Uardherded, Esq.; talks of heads and punishment, seems to fear capital punishment for crimes committed at New York. With Photostat of Same, 1783 July 10 Box 5, Folder 317 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Bernhard Knollenberg collection, 1560-1943…
ALS, G. Washington to Colonel Dayton; instructing the spies to keep close watch on the British in New York, especially up river, while Lafayette's troops are absent. Photostat of Original, 1781 February 22 Box 4, Folder 265 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Bernhard Knollenberg collection, 1560-1943…
ALS, G. Washington to General Armstrong; complains that the French didn't commit themselves enough around the Chesapeake area. Photostatic copy, 1781 March 26 Box 4, Folder 268 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Bernhard Knollenberg collection, 1560-1943…
ALS, G. Washington to John Hancock; the number and disposition of British troops at Halifax requested, 1782 May 8 Box 5, Folder 294 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Bernhard Knollenberg collection, 1560-1943…
ALS, G. Washington to William Fitzhugh (p. 2&3 only); The army is wasting time and money until the states agree to support it; waiting to hear from Southern army. Photostat of Original, 1781 March 25 Box 4, Folder 267 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Bernhard Knollenberg collection, 1560-1943…
ALS, G.W. Gitlin to Wm. Taxan; recommendation for Austin, 1863 December 3 Box 10, Folder 955 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Bernhard Knollenberg collection, 1560-1943…
ALS, Hamilton Fish to Alvah Hunt; asks Hunt to examine material, 1855 May 28 Box 9, Folder 814 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Bernhard Knollenberg collection, 1560-1943…
ALS, Hamilton Fish to Alvah Hunt; asks Hunt to look over some papers, 1851 January 29 Box 9, Folder 772 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Bernhard Knollenberg collection, 1560-1943…
ALS, Hamilton Fish to Alvah Hunt; burglary at Baron's, Nash's testimony, 1850 August 5 Box 9, Folder 759 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Bernhard Knollenberg collection, 1560-1943…
ALS, Hamilton Fish to Alvah Hunt; case of Harris, 1850 November 1 Box 9, Folder 767 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Bernhard Knollenberg collection, 1560-1943…