TLS, Jay N. Darling to Bernhard Knollenberg; cartoon given away before request came, 1940 October 10 Box 13, Folder 1179 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Bernhard Knollenberg collection, 1560-1943Correspondence (Chronological), 1560-1943
TLS, Jay N. Darling to Bernhard Knollenberg; regrets that original cartoon already given away, 1940 September 17 Box 13, Folder 1177 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Bernhard Knollenberg collection, 1560-1943Correspondence (Chronological), 1560-1943
TLS, John Adams to Benjamin Rush, stating that Continental officers don't lack skill or bravery, but are wanting in diligence and patience. Typed Copy, 1778 February 8 Box 3, Folder 192 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Bernhard Knollenberg collection, 1560-1943Correspondence (Chronological), 1560-1943
TLS, John Adams to Gen. Horatio Gates; Adams urges the driving of the British from Boston and when that is done, for Gates to block the harbor. Adams feels that we have waged only half a war. Speaks of the Parliament's Act of Independency that sunders America from the Empire, 1776 March 23 Box 2, Folder 107 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Bernhard Knollenberg collection, 1560-1943Correspondence (Chronological), 1560-1943
TLS, John Gibson Lockhart to Abraham Hayward; regarding disagreement. Photostat of Original and typed copy, 1845 March 3 Box 8, Folder 683 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Bernhard Knollenberg collection, 1560-1943Correspondence (Chronological), 1560-1943
TLS, Josiah Blakely from William Kenyon; talks of Benedict Arnold and some of his mercantile transactions, 1780-1780 Box 4, Folder 255 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Bernhard Knollenberg collection, 1560-1943Correspondence (Chronological), 1560-1943
TLS, Lafayette to Major Bouchet telling Bouchet not to promise for France things that France cannot fulfill; also to take care on his journey back to France; expresses concern for the plight of Gen. Conway, 1777 December 1 Box 3, Folder 177 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Bernhard Knollenberg collection, 1560-1943Correspondence (Chronological), 1560-1943
TLS, Lund Washington to George Washington, tells of talking with Lee and that Congress has no plot planned against the Commander-in-Chief. States that flour should sell well. Typed photostatic copy, 1778 February 18 Box 3, Folder 194 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Bernhard Knollenberg collection, 1560-1943Correspondence (Chronological), 1560-1943
TLS, Nathanael Greene to [?]; urges recruitment of new troops before the British increase their forces, 1776 May 26 Box 2, Folder 114 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Bernhard Knollenberg collection, 1560-1943Correspondence (Chronological), 1560-1943
TLS, Richard Peary to R.H. Lyman; lecture on Arctic work, 1907 February 3 Box 13, Folder 1162 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Bernhard Knollenberg collection, 1560-1943Correspondence (Chronological), 1560-1943