Search Results
Proposals, 1796-1796 Box 27, Folder 179
Missionary Society, 1798-1799 Box 23, Folder 141
1801-1807 Box 18, Folder 100-106
1801-1867 Box 3, Folder 41-57
1808-1815 Box 19, Folder 107-114
Liquor licenses, 1814-1820 Box 23, Folder 136
1816 January-1819 July Box 20, Folder 115-121
1819 August - 1820 Jan, undated Box 21, Folder 122-125
Meeting house: specifications, etc., 1822, 1834, undated Box 23, Folder 138
Ordination of Leverett Griggs, 1833-1833 Box 23, Folder 143
n. d. Box 4, Folder 58-63
Requests for prayers, undated Box 23, Folder 148
Beach, Nathaniel, undated Box 26, Folder 160
"A Confession of Faith", undated Box 26, Folder 171
Notes, undated Box 27, Folder 177
New England History, miscellaneous, undated Box 27, Folder 181
Notes and fragments, undated Box 28, Folder 182
Notes on reading, undated Box 28, Folder 183
Religious questions, undated Box 28, Folder 184
B-F Box 5, Folder 64
Bishop, David Box 5, Folder 65
G-M Box 5, Folder 66
North Haven, Connecticut Box 5, Folder 67
P-W, miscellanea Box 5, Folder 68
Trumbull, Benjamin Box 5, Folder 69-70
Connecticut: Branford-Watertown Box 23, Folder 129
Massachusetts: Hardwick-Westfield Box 23, Folder 129
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