Research material - biography - Aluf Uzi/Narkiss Box 23, Folder 416 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Barbara Wertheim Tuchman papers, 1920-1982Writings, 1953-1969ARTICLES"Israel's Swift Sword," Atlantic Monthly
Research material; copy of articles from New Orleans paper, 1928-1928 Box 5, Folder 91 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Barbara Wertheim Tuchman papers, 1920-1982Writings, 1953-1969BOOKSThe Zimmermann Telegram
Research material - copy of decipherment of telegram, 1953-1953 Box 5, Folder 89 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Barbara Wertheim Tuchman papers, 1920-1982Writings, 1953-1969BOOKSThe Zimmermann Telegram
Research material - map of Israel Box 23, Folder 427 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Barbara Wertheim Tuchman papers, 1920-1982Writings, 1953-1969ARTICLES"In the Wake of War," Atlantic Monthly
Research material; map of Northern Poland Box 10, Folder 191 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Barbara Wertheim Tuchman papers, 1920-1982Writings, 1953-1969BOOKSGuns of August
Research material - newsclippings Box 23, Folder 429 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Barbara Wertheim Tuchman papers, 1920-1982Writings, 1953-1969ARTICLES"In the Wake of War," Atlantic Monthly
Research material: newsclippings, 1956-1956 Box 5, Folder 92 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Barbara Wertheim Tuchman papers, 1920-1982Writings, 1953-1969BOOKSThe Zimmermann Telegram
Research material - newsclippings, 1967-1967 Box 23, Folder 417 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Barbara Wertheim Tuchman papers, 1920-1982Writings, 1953-1969ARTICLES"Israel's Swift Sword," Atlantic Monthly
Research material; pamphlet on Imperial War Museum Box 10, Folder 183 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Barbara Wertheim Tuchman papers, 1920-1982Writings, 1953-1969BOOKSGuns of August
Research materials: Government Annual Report, 1966-1966 Box 22, Folder 394 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Barbara Wertheim Tuchman papers, 1920-1982Writings, 1953-1969ARTICLES"Israel: Land of Unlimited Possibilities," Saturday Evening Post [Original title: "Sprinklers of Eilat"]