Government press releases, 1966-1966 Box 22, Folder 395 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Barbara Wertheim Tuchman papers, 1920-1982Writings, 1953-1969ARTICLES"Israel: Land of Unlimited Possibilities," Saturday Evening Post [Original title: "Sprinklers of Eilat"]
Greenwich Library, November 27, 1962 Box 24B, Folder 496 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Barbara Wertheim Tuchman papers, 1920-1982Writings, 1953-1969SPEECHES"In Search of History"
Guns of August Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Barbara Wertheim Tuchman papers, 1920-1982Writings, 1953-1969BOOKS
Handwritten draft Box 23, Folder 399 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Barbara Wertheim Tuchman papers, 1920-1982Writings, 1953-1969ARTICLES"Israel: Land of Unlimited Possibilities," Saturday Evening Post [Original title: "Sprinklers of Eilat"]
Handwritten draft Box 23, Folder 409 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Barbara Wertheim Tuchman papers, 1920-1982Writings, 1953-1969ARTICLES"How We Entered World War I," New York Times Magazine [Original title: "Old and New Illusions"]
Handwritten draft Box 23, Folder 432 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Barbara Wertheim Tuchman papers, 1920-1982Writings, 1953-1969ARTICLES"In the Wake of War," Atlantic Monthly
Handwritten draft Box 24B, Folder 488 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Barbara Wertheim Tuchman papers, 1920-1982Writings, 1953-1969SPEECHES"The Historian's Opportunity," American Historical Association
Handwritten draft Box 25, Folder 516 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Barbara Wertheim Tuchman papers, 1920-1982Writings, 1953-1969SPEECHES"The View from the Thirties," Radcliffe Commencement address
Handwritten draft for chapter 10 Box 6, Folder 108 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Barbara Wertheim Tuchman papers, 1920-1982Writings, 1953-1969BOOKSThe Zimmermann TelegramBibliography file cards
Handwritten draft of review Box 24A, Folder 456 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Barbara Wertheim Tuchman papers, 1920-1982Writings, 1953-1969REVIEWSBullitt, William C. and Sigmund Freud, Thomas Woodrow Wilson ("Can History Use Freud," Atlantic Monthly )