Includes cards/poems from Rene Char ("Chanson des Etage" 1/30 numbered and inscribed to Howes), Richard Wilbur, William Meredith, John Holmes, Theodore Roethke, Gertrude Stein, Charles Olson (inscribed to Caresse Crosby), Guillaume Apollinaire, Winfield T. Scott, Ruthven Todd, Richard Wilbur, William Carlos Williams, James Merrill, William and Manka Dudley, Malcolm Cowley, Elsa Gress and Clifford, A. J. Seymour, Anthony Harrigan, Jean Garrigue, Margaret and Richard Archer, John Ciardi, Serena Broughton, Dudley Fitts, Eudora Welty, Stephen Spender, John Fuller, Claude Fredericks, James Broughton and Susana Hunt, Robert Francis, William Stafford, Gunther Eich, Gil Williams, Richard Wilbur and William Jay Smith, Robert Phillips, Boris and Anne Bittker, Lewis Turco, Carl Dennis, Joseph Langland, Leslie Fiedier, Marty and Jack Hall, Anthony Ostroff, Ishmael Reed, Peter Viereck, Daniel Hoffman, James Laughlin, Peter Blume, Robert Penn "Red'' Warren, Granville Hicks, Helen and Bill Vanderbilt, Alain de la Cotardiere, Robert Fitzgerald, Kathleen MacArthur, Helen and Allen Tate, Joseph Cary, A. R. Ammons, Teo Savory, Alastair Reid, Daniel Halpern, Clara Svendsen plus William Jay Smith's article in the New York Times, poems for wedding of Smith's stepson on 12/11/76.