The series includes audiotapes in cassette and microcassette format and videotapes in VHS and U-matic format. The series is arranged by format and chronologically within each format. The tapes in boxes 41, 42, and 43 are largely recordings of private conversations during Arthur Liman's Iran-Contra assignment and are the audiocassette tapes with the greatest research value. The tape in box 43 is the audio version of Liman's Iran-Contra diary, the transcript of which is in Series I. The majority of the microcassette tapes were recorded during the Iran-Contra hearings. The microcassette recordings capture Liman at his most candid regarding the Iran-Contra hearings and the Michael Milken sentence. The VHS videotapes in boxes 70, 72, 89, and 91 contain the most in-depth interviews of Liman.